IntelliGrid Architecture




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Customer Services - RTP Customer's Optimization Function



The DER Device management system controls the DER Device (s) according to the DER Device schedule. The customer’s Customer Building Automation System receives the RTP signals from the Energy Service Provider and performs optimizations on the best mix of load reductions and DER Device function based on the customer’s criteria. At the beginning of each interval, the Customer Building Automation System sends the appropriate commands to the DER Device Manager to initiate the DER Device functions for that interval. The DER Device Manger processes those commands, initiates the DER Device utilization and monitors the DER Device (s) for compliance with commands. Any failure to produce the scheduled DER Device results in an alarm broadcasted to the Customer Building Automation System where the customer can take appropriate action. The monitored DER Device activity is made available in real-time to the Customer Building Automation System where the data can be made available to the customer and Energy Service Provider.

In addition to RTP responses, the Customer Building Automation System may bid into the energy and ancillary services markets if all business constraints are first met. If these bids are accepted, additional commands may be set to the DER Device management system to implement those bids. The Customer Building Automation System will monitor the response to insure the bid services are supplied.

The Energy Service Provider is responsible for monitoring DER Device facilities while operating to ensure power quality constraints are met, and to help manage emergency situations (detailed in the Advanced Distribution Automation Use Cases).




Name of Process/Activity

Description of

Information Producer


Name of Info Exchanged

IntelliGrid Architecture Environments


Timer for beginning of interval


Customer Building Automation System sends signals to DER Device manager for the upcoming interval. These commands would include generation and ancillary services support.

Customer Building Automation System

DER Device manager

DER Device schedule

DER Monitoring and Control


DER Device receives schedule for interval


DER Device implements schedule starting or stopping generation and switching loads.


DER Device devices

DER Device Device Start/Stop/Set Commands

DER Monitoring and Control


DER Device implements generation


Monitors DER Device performance and reports status to Customer Building Automation System

DER Device manager

Customer Building Automation System

DER Device Status

DER Monitoring and Control


DER Device performance data published


Makes DER Device performance data available to Energy Service Provider

Customer Building Automation System

Energy Service Provider DER Device and Ancillary Services Monitoring

DER Device Status

ESP to Customer


Failure to meet DER Device goals


If DER Device goals are not met, the Customer Building Automation System will signal the customer with an alarm so that action can be taken.

Customer Building Automation System


DER Device Status

Intra-Customer Site



IntelliGrid Architecture
Copyright EPRI 2004