IntelliGrid Architecture




Parent Menu

IntelliGrid Project
Power Functions
IntelliGrid Environments
IntelliGrid Vision
Security Overview
Technical Analysis
Technology List
Additional Information
Printable Deliverables

Same Level Menu

Overview of Functions
Market Operations
Transmission Operations
Distribution Operations
HV Generation
Distributed Resources
Customer Services
List of IT Use Cases
List of Functions

Child Menu

Substation Data Acqu
Automated Control Base
Auto Restoration
Contngcy Analysis Base
Contngcy Analys Future
Emergency Control Base
Inter-Area Oscill Damp
Self-Healing Grid
Synchro Phasor
Systemwide Volt Control
Voltage Security
List of Brief Trans Functions


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Transmission Operations - Functions for Power System Operations

Overview of Transmission Operations Functions

The following power system functions involved transmission operations, in particular focusing on wide-area measurement and control systems that involve ultra high speed monitoring and rapid response control actions.

a.       Automated Control Baseline

b.      Emergency Operations Baseline

c.      Transmission System Contingency Analysis (Baseline)

d.      Transmission System Contingency Analysis (Future)

e.      Wide Area Monitoring and Control Advanced Auto Restoration

f.    Inter-Area Oscillation Damping

g.   System-wide Automatic Voltage Control

h.      Synchro-Phasor

i.        Voltage Security

j.       Self-Healing Grid (across both transmission and distribution)

IntelliGrid Architecture
Copyright EPRI 2004