IntelliGrid Architecture




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IntelliGrid Architecture Framework

A critical element in developing any large and complex entity is to develop an organizing structure or framework to define and categorize the elements. Such a framework was developed for the IntelliGrid Architecture to capture the requirements of the power system functions, and to organize these requirements in a manner that the results are useful to diverse types of users.

This framework was structured to integrate the Business Needs for power system operations, a Strategic Vision based on High-Level Concepts, a Tactical Approach, using technology independent techniques to accommodate legacy systems, the multiplicity of vendors, and rapidly changing technologies, and recommends specific standards, technologies, and best practices.

Before discussing this framework further, some definitions of the terms used must be clarified.

IntelliGrid Architecture Framework Contents

The IntelliGrid Architecture Framework was constructed from the above-mentioned concepts. The reference architecture is based on an Architecture Framework bounded by the information infrastructure requirements of the power system industry. The framework includes:

§       Business Needs of the power system industry, as captured in the power system operations functions, and categorized into IntelliGrid Architecture Environments

§       Strategic Vision based on High Level Concepts of distributed information

§       Tactical Approach based on Technology Independent Techniques of common services, information models, and interfaces.

§       Standard Technologies and Best Practices that could be used in the power industry

§       Methodology for automation architects, power system planners, project engineers, information specialists, and other IntelliGrid Architecture users to zone in on the exact parts of the IntelliGrid Architecture that is directly relevant to them, and to quickly access IntelliGrid Architecture recommendations. 

The IntelliGrid Architecture framework generalizes and extracts the architecturally significant requirements by cross-cutting energy industry requirements involving distributed information, and provides a technology-independent architecture for project engineers to use as they determine solutions for specific implementations. Figure 6 depicts the IntelliGrid Architecture Framework and clearly identifies how these concepts fit together. The individual concepts shown in the figure are discussed below.


Figure 6: IntelliGrid Architecture Framework

A top-down view of the IntelliGrid Architecture Framework

IntelliGrid Architecture
Copyright EPRI 2004