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Customer Services - Consumer Portal - Demand Reduction Program




A customer wants to sign up for the Demand Reduction Program offered by the utility which would give the utility permission to cycle customer’s air conditioning system during peak load periods in return for incentives. The utility representative signs up the customer, handles installation of needed devices and implements the customer’s participation in the program. At a later, the customer asks to be transferred to a different load reduction program level and this change is implemented accordingly.


A western utility has a residential customer base of 1 million meters. The meters are installed in single-family detached housing (SFD), single-family attached housing (SFA), apartment buildings, and mobile homes. The utility has a high residential turnover rate as customers come to and leave the service area more frequently than typical utilities.

The utility has demand relief requirements and has multiple demand response programs in place. It additionally supports active residential conservation programs as well as residential alternate, renewable, and distributed generation.

The results of all of these efforts are reported to the Sate PUC as part of their requirements to receive credit in rate base.

On Monday morning a residential customer of utility X calls Customer Service and requests a “sign up” in the utility’s air-conditioning demand response programs that they read about in the newspaper. The Customer Service representative [CSR] transfers the call along with the customers account information “utility program specialist” while the customer is still on the line. The program specialist [PS] opens up a computer file that delineates the features and requirements for participation in each of the utilities AC demand reduction program (that includes a gateway product, a smart thermostat product, and a simple switching product, all with different incentives). The customer selects a specific program and the specialist asks pertinent questions about the customer’s participation to help reduce problems. The specialist selects a convenient date for installation of equipment and to start the program at the specific residence. Once the program specifics and the customer specifics are entered into the Demand Response database, the installation company is notified of the specific program requested, the installation date, customer information and specific tracking number/ID. The information is automatically downloaded into a PDA designed to accommodate the data.

The installer places the appropriate equipment, in this case a DLC switch, on the customers AC unit, tests the system with a handheld unit, and places all information into the same PDA as used to download the original request. After the installation is completed, the PDA is connected to the installers computer system in the truck and via a web-hosted database all information is uploaded to the utility. The utility software automatically notifies the Demand Response Program Manager [DRPM], advises billing that the customer will receive a financial incentive, which is listed on their monthly bill during the appropriate summer months and subtracted from the “amount due” line. At the end of the summer program, the billing software automatically reverts to the normal invoice and removes incentives from the bill.

In addition to billing, the program initiation also triggers a summer-months energy consumption-tracking program. The software recalls specific customer usage data for the previous year for the months of June, July, August and September. The database also includes average daily and monthly ambient temperatures, which will be used with customer usage data to ascertain savings and relative demand reduction. The information is inserted into a database that is used by the Demand Response Program Manager to assess relative load reduction as well as to determine if free-ridership is an issue.

The residential customer participates in the program through July, but after several 110+ degree-days decides that participating in the program at the 100% cycling strategy (complete AC shut down for the designated curtailment period) is too severe and wants to be placed in the 50% cycling program. The request in placed into the system by the utility program specialist and the customer is automatically removed from the 100% strategy, placed on the 50% strategy, billing is notified automatically and the incentive is recalculated. The Program Manager is notified of the change in participation level, the billing is advised to adjust the financial incentive and the tracking database flagged with the information as well.




Name of Process/Activity

Description of

Information Producer


Name of Info Exchanged

IntelliGrid Architecture Environments


Customer call to utility

Request program signup

Customer service representative identifies customer account

Customer Information Database


Customer account information

Customer / ESP



Service Request Type

CSR determines nature of service request [in this case, signup for Demand Reduction Program Database]



Program signup request

Customer / ESP



Transfer call

Transfers call to utility’s Program Specialist


Utility Program Specialist

Customer account information, Program signup request

Customer / ESP


Customer interest in signing up for DLRP

Determine which DLRP is appropriate for customer

Utility Program Specialist determines which level of DLRP is appropriate for this customer

Customer Information Database, Demand Reduction Program Database


Demand Reduction Program Database details

Customer / ESP



Signup customer to specific DLRP

Program Specialist signs up customer to the DLC switch program

Customer Information Database, Demand Reduction Program Database

Customer, Customer Billing System

Specific program requirements and reward incentives

Customer / ESP


Determines specific DLRP

Schedules installation

Program Specialist schedules installation

Customer Information Database

Customer site installation database

Installation details

Customer / ESP


Request to install specific DLRP

Installation by service provider

Specified equipment is installed and tested by installation service providers


Customer Information Database, Demand Reduction Program Database Manager, Customer Billing System

Installation confirmation

Customer / ESP


Installed new customer site installation

Customer Communication Portal to monitor energy usage

Customer Communication Portal is alerted to monitor energy usage and ambient temperatures

Customer Communication Portal, Customer Information Database

Demand Reduction Program Database

Average and peak temperatures, customer’s historical energy usage and current energy usage

Customer / ESP



Billing system generates billing

Billing system generates summer billing with applicable reward incentives

Customer Billing System


Monthly billing with deductions for applicable incentives

Customer / ESP


Customer request to change participation level

Change Demand Reduction Program Database participation level

Customer requests change from 100% to 50% cycling program level

Customer, Customer Information Database

Utility Program Specialist

Changes in program participation level

Customer / ESP


Utility Program Specialist receives change of participation request

Program Specialist confirms change

Program Specialist confirms change in cycling rate and corresponding reward incentives

Utility Program Specialist

Customer, Customer Information Database, Demand Reduction Program Database

Program participation change

Customer / ESP


Customers participation level is changed

Affected parties are informed

Applicable affected parties are informed of the change

Customer Information Database

Customer Billing System, Demand Reduction Program Database Manager

Change in participation level and reward incentive change

Customer / ESP



Customer Communication Portal and DLC system notified

Customer Communication Portal and DLC system notified of cycling rate change

Demand Reduction Program Database

Customer Communication Portal, DLC Switch Controller

Programming change to DLC for new cycling rate and revised monitoring instructions to Customer Communication Portal

Customer / ESP


Additional Information

Actor (Stakeholder) Roles

Grouping (Community) ,

Group Description

Customer Site

Those entities that are located at customer’s premises

Actor Name

Actor Type (person, device, system etc.)

Actor Description



One requesting the sign up for the Demand Reduction Program.

Customer Communication Portal

Power System

Power System handling communications function at customer’s premises

DLC Switch Controller


Device performing cycling of the air conditioning unit



Grouping (Community) ,

Group Description

Load Serving Entity Customer Service

Those entities that are charged with handling customer service functions for the power company

Actor Name

Actor Type (person, device, system etc.)

Actor Description

Load Serving Entity

Power System

Power company communications system that handles customer call center services



Customer Service Representative (CSR), Person who interfaces with the customer initially for the power company

Utility Program Specialist


Person who handles load reduction-related services for the customer

Customer Information Database

Power System

Power System that contains information about customer accounts of the power company

Demand Reduction Program Database

Power System

Power System that contains information about all of the Demand Reduction Program [Demand Reduction Program Database] Database offered by the utility, participation requirements, equipment details and links to customer billing system for passing incentive information

Demand Reduction Program Database Manager


Demand Response Program Manager

Customer Billing System

Power System

Power System that handles generation of bills for the services provided to the customer

Customer Id


A common customer identification key that is used by service providers authorized by the customer to identify all of their service accounts

Installation Schedule Database

Power System

Power System that handles scheduling installation of equipment at customer premises [in this case, the DLC switch], specifying equipment to be installed, confirmation of completion of installation and links to the billing system using the common customer id


Grouping (Community) ,

Group Description


Those entities that are associated with the installation function

Actor Name

Actor Type (person, device, system etc.)

Actor Description



Utility person assigned to handle the specified customer site installation task

DLC Switch Controller


Power System handling cycling of air conditioning equipment at customer’s premises [generally consists of a RF receiver and a switch component to turn the air conditioning compressor on/off]

Installation System

Power System

Power System for managing the installation activities at the customer site – in this case consists of a PDA that contains the installation order information, a test unit to verify proper installation and software to record installation details

Installer Computer

Power System

Power System for accessing utility’s installation database, downloading specific order information to the InstallationSystem PDA, communications link to the utility’s network to access order data and to upload confirmation data


Grouping (Community) ,

Group Description


Those entities that are involved in this activity, but do not fit in any of the Groupings above

Actor Name

Actor Type (person, device, system etc.)

Actor Description

Public Utility Commission


The entity that receives results of the utility’s demand reduction program.

Demand Response Program Manager


Person managing the Demand Reduction Program Database at the utility

Energy Service Provider



Service Provider



Air Conditioning Equipment





Information exchanged


Information Object Name

Information Object Description

Customer Demand Reduction Program Signup Request

Information from the customer call for signing up to participate in the utility’s Demand Reduction Program

Customer Power System Installation Order

Information on scheduling the installation at customer’s site, equipment to be installed, programming information on cycling regime, details to be passed on to the billing program on initiating incentive reward, intimation to Demand Response Program Manager and triggers to start tracking energy usage for program performance verification

Program Change Request

Information from the customer call on the changes to be made to the customer’s participation level in the utility’s Demand Reduction Program

Program Change Confirmation

Information confirming the changes made to the account based on the customer call, with appropriate notification and triggers as per those initiated on program activation



Activity/Service Name

Activities/Services Provided

Signup Customer to Requested Demand Reduction Program

Initiate actions to modify customer’s account information to indicate details of participation in the Demand Reduction Program specified by the customer and generate trigger to installation scheduling program

Set Up Customer Power System Installation Order

Initiate actions to schedule installation at customer site, and transmit customer site information, equipment details and scheduling to the installer

Power System Installation

Perform installation at customer site, verify system performance, and upload installation confirmation back to utility

Installation Follow-up

Initiate actions to update load reduction system to send out appropriate control signals to customer unit, update customer billing information with applicable incentives, alert the applicable Demand Response Program Manager about installation, initiate energy usage tracking, and set up flags in the billing database to revert to regular billing at the end of incentive period

Customer Request to Change Program Participation

Initiate actions to modify customer account information with the change to the program participation, transmit revised incentive information to billing system, and alert the applicable Demand Response Program Manager about change in participation level

Program Change Conformation

Initiate actions to generate a confirmation message to the customer with details of the change made in program participation level and the applicable incentive rewards at the new level




Impact of Contract/Regulation on Function

Demand Reduction Program Tariffs

Equipment installed at customer site, cycling regime implemented and incentive rewards applied to customer bill



From Actor


Shall Not


Description (verb)

To Actor

Cycle Energy to Equipment

Energy Service Provider




Cycle power to air conditioning unit on utility trigger

Air Conditioning Equipment

Provide Load Control Equipment

Service Provider




Install specified equipment at customer site


Provide Incentive Rewards

Energy Service Provider




Provide incentive reward on customer energy bill


Modify Incentive Rewards

Energy Service Provider




Modify incentive reward on customer energy bill






Applies to

Program Participation

Level of Participation

The level of Demand Reduction Program participation chosen by the customer

Power cycling regime implemented and amount of incentive reward provided

Reward Period


Months of the year when the program is not active [i.e., non-summer months for this program]

No incentive reward provided

Energy Usage

Minimum Threshold

Tracked energy usage to meet or exceed program requirements to qualify to participate in the program and receive incentive reward on bill

Eligibility to continue participation in the program


IntelliGrid Architecture
Copyright EPRI 2004