IntelliGrid Architecture




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Structure of UML Model

This section describes the structure of IntelliGrid Architecture UML model. The main objective is to help reader navigate and interpret the model that resides in the MagicDrawÔ as well as the generated navigable report.


The “Placemat” can be used as a metaphor for IntelliGrid Architecture itself. It portrays the architecture at the center with five views of the architecture according to the organizational analysis of RM-ODP. Provided are two parallel mechanisms for navigating the architectures contents:

·       English Descriptions provide discussions in non-computer science jargon for management and applications oriented readers

·       Architectural Descriptions provide for navigation by computer programmers and software implementers of the architecture


Figure 5: IntelliGrid Architecture Placemat

IntelliGrid Architecture Model

A model is a representation of the system from a set of concerns. In IntelliGrid Architecture, the components of the model are separated from their views. As RM-ODP describes, the views are perspectives for looking at a single model. Therefore, IntelliGrid Architecture UML model consists of all the abstract components that make up the concrete contents of the architecture. These abstract components include domains, actors, classes and interfaces.

The following diagram illustrates some of the key concepts contained in IntelliGrid Architecture model.

Figure 6: IntelliGrid Architecture Model – Key Concepts

Navigating IntelliGrid Architecture Model

The IntelliGrid Architecture model is organized hierarchy using a set of UML packages to provide separation of dividing concepts.  The IntelliGrid Architecture package at the top level of the model is the parent for all the concepts modeled in IntelliGrid Architecture.  Immediately under IntelliGrid Architecture package is a set of packages, dividing IntelliGrid Architecture into key concepts.  Each of these key-dividing concepts outlined in this section are described in detail, in the later sections.

Figure 7:Top level package structure of IntelliGrid Architecture Model


·       Environments – Contains description of all IntelliGrid Architecture environments.  Different aspects of IntelliGrid Architecture model will like to the corresponding environment.

·       IntelliGrid Architecture UML Profile – Contains the set of UML extensions (stereotypes, tagged value definitions, and constraints) defined by IntelliGrid Architecture in order to convey key RM-ODP concepts as well as the definition of the key architectural issues the team solicited information on, from stakeholders during the stakeholder engagement process.

·       PIM [Platform Independent Model] – Contains the set of information objects, actors that define the system.  These objects are technology independent.   The PIM package contains a child set of packages corresponding the six primary domains specified in IntelliGrid Architecture model.

These domains are represented by UML packages as shown in the following figure.

Figure 8: IntelliGrid Architecture Domains


·       Technologies – Contains the set of technologies and their capabilities.

·       Viewpoints – Contains the set of energy industry enterprise activities.  The viewpoint package contains a child set of packages corresponding top-level enterprise activities.  Each enterprise activity separates the modeling concepts into 5 child packages, one for each of the 5 RM-ODP viewpoints as shown in the following figure.

Figure 9: IntelliGrid Architecture Viewpoints Folder



An IntelliGrid Architecture Environment is defined as an environment where one or more of the information exchanges of Power System Operations functions have essentially the same architectural requirements, including their configuration requirements, quality of service requirements, security requirements, and data management requirements.  The IntelliGrid Architecture Environments reflect the requirements of the information exchanges, not necessarily the location of the applications or databases (although these may affect the information exchanges and therefore the environment).

RM-ODP defines an Environment as the part of the model, which is not part of that object.[5].  This essentially represents external complexities in the model, and the classification of those complexities having similar requirements.

Figure 10: IntelliGrid Architecture Environments


For this RM-ODP concept – the UML collaboration is chosen, as shown in the figure above, to represent the abstract behavior construct conveyed by the external influences of the un-modeled elements of the environment. Additional details for UML Collaborations are shows in the table below.

Collaboration Additional Modeling Details

Collaboration Name

Corresponds to IntelliGrid Architecture Environment name.

Collaboration Documentation Attribute

Corresponds to the description of IntelliGrid Architecture Environment.

Collaboration as a Tagged Value Reference

The collaboration representing the environment may appear as a tagged value reference as a means of annotating which steps are part of which environment.



IntelliGrid Architecture UML Profile

The formal notation of UML includes extension mechanisms (stereotypes, tagged value definitions, and constraints) that allow UML to expand its notational constructs beyond those identified in the UML standard.  These extension mechanisms are critical to the adaptation of RM-ODP concepts.

Tagged Values

Tagged values are the primary extension mechanism used by IntelliGrid Architecture.  Tagged values are used to capture the key architectural issues presented to stakeholders when developing the domain use cases.  These tagged value definitions are categorized using UML packages as shown in the figure below.

Figure 11: IntelliGrid Architecture Architectural Issues as Tagged Value Definitions



IntelliGrid Architecture uses stereotypes as a classification mechanism for the modeling elements defined through stakeholder engagement.  A sample of the stereotypes are proved below:

Figure 12: IntelliGrid Architecture Stereotypes



IntelliGrid Architecture uses constraints to capture the invariant conditions supplied by stakeholders when developing the use cases.  These constraints also include pre and post conditions for describing the various use case scenarios.

PIM [Platform Independent Model]

Using a technology independent design is an important concept when developing interoperable systems and equipment today. A technology independent design must focus on the behavior and structure of the components within a system and abstract the implementation details of any particular technology. This key concept allows for different implementations and technologies to exist, yet still allow these components to be used interchangeably. Using technology independent design enables a coherent architecture to be created independently of deployment specifics. When implemented, the technologies are chosen to meet requirements but are implemented in a way that complies with the technology independent design.


RM-ODP defines domain as “A set of objects, each of which is related by a characterizing relationship to a controlling object.”[5] These domains represent the primary division of the energy industry.  It is convenient for the domain division to correspond to accepted industry practice, as it provides an immediate partition of the project into smaller areas of interest.  However, in order for these systems to be integrated, there must exist components and services, which cross these domain boundaries, such as IntelliGrid Architecture Common Services.

·       Market Operations

·       Primary Generations

·       Transmission Operations

·       Distribution Operations

·       Distributed Resources

·       Consumer Services

·       Common Services 


RM-ODP and UML each define the concept of Actor.  Essentially an actor is any object that plays a role in the system, meaning any object that can participate in an action.  During the development of IntelliGrid Architecture use cases, a set of actors was developed.  Examples of these actors include:

·       RTOs/ISOs

·       Generation Company

·       Intelligent Equipment Device

Actors Additional Modeling Details

Actor Name

Corresponds to IntelliGrid Architecture Actor Name

Actor Documentation Attribute

Corresponds to the description of IntelliGrid Architecture Actor.

Actor Stereotype Name

The IntelliGrid Architecture actor type appears as a stereotype assigned to the actor.  The stereotype is a means of classifying the actor.

Actor Constraints

The UML actor constraints correspond to IntelliGrid Architecture constraints. IntelliGrid Architecture constraint name maps to the UML constraint name. The IntelliGrid Architecture constraint description maps to the UML constrain expression (non-OCL).

Actor Operations

UML actor operations correspond to the “set” or “get” methods derived from IntelliGrid Architecture sequence of events.


Based on the aggregate set of use cases developed for IntelliGrid Architecture, the actors developed a set of operations needing to support the detailed steps of the use cases.  These operations

Figure 13: Actor Operations



Each domain except “Common Services” has a set of classes associated with it. These classes represent IntelliGrid Architecture information objects and/or IntelliGrid Architecture contracts/regulations.

An IntelliGrid Architecture information object maps to a UML class. An IntelliGrid Architecture contract / regulation maps to a class having the stereotype <<contract>>. The IntelliGrid Architecture policy maps to the operations of the <<contract>> class.

Classes Additional Modeling Details

Class Name

Corresponds to IntelliGrid Architecture information object name or the contract / regulation name.

Class Documentation Attribute

Corresponds to IntelliGrid Architecture information object description or the contract / regulation description.

Class Operations

For the <<contract>> class, each policy associated with the contract is represented by an operation. The name of the operation is the policy name. The stereotype of the operation is corresponding to the policy type namely <<>> (for “May” type policy), <<prohibition>> (for “Shall Not” type policy) and <<obligation>> (for “Shall” type policy”). The operation documentation attribute corresponds to the policy description.

Class Constraints

The “Class constraints” correspond to IntelliGrid Architecture constraints. IntelliGrid Architecture constraint name maps to the UML constraint name. The IntelliGrid Architecture constraint description maps to the UML constrain expression (non-OCL).


Figure 14: Example Class Operations (Contract)


“Common Services” domain contains a set of interfaces grouped by common service categories. There are four top-level categories of common services, namely, “data management”, “security management”, “network and system management” and “integration and federation”. The top-level categorizations are represented by UML package.


Interface Additional Modeling Details

Interface Name

UML “Interface name” corresponds to IntelliGrid Architecture interface name, for example “DistributedDataManagementInterface”.

Interface Documentation Attribute

UML “Interface documentation attribute” corresponds to IntelliGrid Architecture interface description.

Interface Operations

UML “Interface operations” are IntelliGrid Architecture interface methods. The IntelliGrid Architecture uses the standard verbs such as:

·       get

·       create

·       change

·       cancel

·       close

·       delete

·       created

·       changed

·       closed

·       canceled

·       show

·       subscribe

·       unsubscribe

Interface Constraints

The “Interface constraints” correspond to IntelliGrid Architecture constraints. IntelliGrid Architecture constraint name maps to the UML constraint name. The IntelliGrid Architecture constraint description maps to the UML constrain expression (non-OCL).



The IntelliGrid Architecture has the five RM-ODP viewpoints, namely “enterprise viewpoint”, “information viewpoint”, “computational viewpoint”, “engineering viewpoint” and “technology viewpoint”. The basic constructs of these viewpoints are UML use case, use case diagram, class diagram, activity diagram, and collaboration diagram. Different from IntelliGrid Architecture model, IntelliGrid Architecture views are organized by enterprise activities and each enterprise activity has five viewpoints. For example, “Advanced Auto Restoration” is an enterprise activity.

Enterprise Viewpoint

The enterprise viewpoint is concerned with the purpose, scope, and policies of the enterprise related to IntelliGrid Architecture. An enterprise specification of a service is a model of the service and the environment with which IntelliGrid Architecture interacts.  It covers the role of IntelliGrid Architecture in the business as well as the human user roles and business policies related to IntelliGrid Architecture.  The Enterprise viewpoint is defined by a set of use cases, collaborations, use cases diagrams and class diagrams.

Use Case

The IntelliGrid Architecture enterprise activity is represented by the UML use case in the MagicDrawÔ. Enterprise activity contains a set of sub-activities and services, which are also represented by UML use cases.

Use Case Additional Modeling Details

Use Case Name

A use case will have a name that is corresponding to the enterprise activity name.

Use Case Documentation Attribute

A use case will have documentation attribute which contains the description of the enterprise activity.

Use Case Tagged Value

The use case of IntelliGrid Architecture enterprise activity will have a tagged value that specifies IntelliGrid Architecture function identification number (function id). The IntelliGrid Architecture function id is a unique identifier of a specific IntelliGrid Architecture function. The id contains a letter that is assigned to each domain and a set of numbers delimitated by “.” to show the hierarchy of the functions. For example, T-1.1 is the id for the “long term load forecast” function in the transmission operation domain. An enterprise activity could have more than one function id. For example, the function id for “Advanced Auto-Restoration” are >>>>. The purpose of capturing the function id is to maintain the traceability of IntelliGrid Architecture view to the requirements.


Use Case Diagram

IntelliGrid Architecture includes two concepts in use case diagrams.  To convey organization and hierarchy, a use case diagram will show the relationship between a high-level use case, and lower level use cases.  For example:


Figure 15: Use Case Hierarchy


As shown in the Figure 15: Use Case Hierarchy the Advance Auto-Restoration use case – includes a number of subordinate use cases.  The subordinate use cases are linked through an “<<include>>” dependency.


The second concept modeled in IntelliGrid Architecture use cases is that of actor involvement.

Figure 16: Example Use Case


The Figure 16: Example Use Case diagram shows the set of actors directly involved in the Advanced Auto-Restoration use case.


RM-ODP defines Community as “a configuration of objects formed to meet an objective. The objective is expressed as a contract that specifies how the objective can be met.” [5].  This concept maps well to the UML Collaboration, which is defined as an abstract structuring concept.  The members of the collaboration represent cooperative elements that come together to meet a specific objective.

Figure 17: Example Community


Membership in the community is defined by the set of UML Role Classifiers owned by the community.  The role Classifier has a base classifier set to the corresponding actor.

Figure 18: Example Community Membership


Collaboration - Additional Modeling Details

Collaboration Name

Corresponds to IntelliGrid Architecture Grouping (Community) name.

Collaboration Documentation Attribute

Corresponds to IntelliGrid Architecture Grouping (Community) description.

Owned Elements

Membership defined through the set of owned Classifier Roles.


Class Diagram

The class diagram is used to expose the contractual bindings of the actors. A UML class represents IntelliGrid Architecture contract/regulation and IntelliGrid Architecture policies are represented by the operations in the class.

Figure 19: Contract Governing Actors


As shown in the figure, the two actors are associated with each other with a contract called “Competition between neighboring utilities” binding the interface. The binding is shown by the UML “permission” association.

Information Viewpoint

The information viewpoint is concerned with the semantics of information and information processing.  The information specification of IntelliGrid Architecture is a model of the information objects that the system holds and the governing states of the system.  The information viewpoint is defined by a set of information objects (classes), activity diagrams conveying system state and class denoting static structuring concepts.

Activity Diagram

The activity diagram is used to describe IntelliGrid Architecture enterprise activity sequence of event together with the collaboration diagram. The IntelliGrid Architecture sequence number maps to the UML transition name attribute. The IntelliGrid Architecture event maps to the guard condition expression o the transition. The name of the process / activity maps to the UML “action state”. The “description of process / activity” maps to the action state documentation attribute.  The “name of info exchange” maps to the “Object Flow State”.

Figure 20: Activity Diagram (part-of)


Computational Viewpoint

The computational viewpoint is concerned with the interaction patterns between the components (services) of IntelliGrid Architecture, described through their interfaces.  A computational specification of a service is a model of the service interfaces seen from a client, and the potential set of other services required by that service.  The computational model defines types of interfaces such as request/reply or publish/subscribe or whether an interface is designed for exchange of real time or historical data. For example, interfaces may be defined as API’s such as CCAPI’s Generic Interface Definition or as a wire protocol such as UCAÒ’s[PCAS1]  device oriented services.
Computational Viewpoint is represented by UML collaboration and activity diagrams.

Collaboration Diagram

The collaboration diagram is used to describe IntelliGrid Architecture enterprise activity sequence of events. The role classifier of the collaboration diagram corresponds to IntelliGrid Architecture “information producer” and “information receiver” with the existing actors as their base classes.

Figure 21: Collaboration Diagram (part-of)               Message

The message “Action type” is set to be “call” action having the name of IntelliGrid Architecture “name of process/activity”. The “call” action documentation attribute corresponds to IntelliGrid Architecture “description of process/activity”.

Engineering Viewpoint

The engineering viewpoint is concerned with the design of heterogeneous aspects, of the information infrastructure required to support distributed systems.  The engineering viewpoint is the least defined viewpoint of IntelliGrid Architecture, since this viewpoint is closer to the implementation details than current project scope permitted to define.  The current IntelliGrid Architecture engineering viewpoint includes a set of diagrams collected during the stakeholder engagements.  Future work, perhaps confined to specific projects using IntelliGrid Architecture, shall develop this viewpoint.

Technology Viewpoint

The technology viewpoint is concerned with the provision of an underlying technology infrastructure, consisting of a set of technology related capabilities and recommendations.  The technology viewpoint, like the engineering viewpoint, is closer to the implementation details than current project scope permitted to define, however, significant technology related details are presented through a set of class definitions.  These classes are annotated with a set of UML tagged values, expressing the technology capabilities.

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IntelliGrid Architecture
Copyright EPRI 2004