IntelliGrid Architecture




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Tactical Approach

This section previews Section 2 of this Volume that discusses the principles used to define IntelliGrid Architecture at the tactical, day-to-day level.  These include:

·       IntelliGrid Architecture environments – a discussion of the diversity of where IntelliGrid Architecture can be applied.

·       Common Modeling Elements – a discussion of technology independent utility commonality that includes common services, information models, and interfaces.

·       Assessment of technologies – a discussion of the diversity of solutions that used to implement the common modeling elements within the confines of specific environments.

To get a better sense of what all IntelliGrid Architecture terms mean consider the diagram below:

Figure 18 Diagram of Components, Services, and Interfaces


The previous sections describe a technology-independent architecture that in an abstract way describes a design for interoperation integration solutions.  However, when applying the architecture to a specific problem, real, tangible technologies must be used.  In other words, the architecture must be realized using concrete technologies that are suitable for each operating environment that the architecture gets deployed in.  IntelliGrid Architecture is based on a technology-independent set of common modeling elements, and also provides a technology assessment to facilitate the decision of how to implement the architecture in each environment.

NOTE:  Within IntelliGrid Architecture, the term “technology” is used to encompass any protocols, international standards, best practices, regulations, de facto standards or conventions that enable the integration of the communications network.


The IntelliGrid Architecture team has categorized common requirements into a series of non-mutually exclusive sets called Environments.  An IntelliGrid Architecture Environment typically is associated with a location or network where one or more of the information exchanges of Power System Operations functions have essentially the same technical requirements, including:

·       Configuration requirements

·       Quality of service requirements

·       Security requirements

·       Data management and exchange requirements

Environments correspond to where data is exchanged.  That is, environments consist of an RM-ODP Deployment View of the utility. The details of IntelliGrid Architecture environments and the recommended technologies to be used in each environment to implement the common modeling elements are discussed in later sections and in the Appendix D to this volume.

Technology Independent Architecture

Successful integration of a utility’s various systems requires a method that does not require existing applications to be disturbed. Typically, integration is performed by employing a run-time integration infrastructure and component adapters.  The run-time integration infrastructure provides a common platform for component links.

Adapters for existing applications provide a standardized interface on a legacy component.  That is, adapters accommodate heterogeneity due to difference in:

·       Data Management and Exchange Technologies

·       Platform Technologies

·       Communications Infrastructure Technologies

·       Security Technologies

This architecture is illustrated below:

Figure 19 Adapters Use


As seen above, the primary problem in power system data management is the wide variety of platforms, protocols, data management and exchange, and security technologies that need to be integrated.  The IntelliGrid Architecture proposal is to define common modeling elements that can be mapped onto a variety of technologies as needed, using adapters around a core of integration infrastructure.    

While adapters can accommodate the above listed heterogeneity, to achieve interoperability using off the shelf components, it needs standards for what data and how data is exchanged.  Furthermore, these standard information models and interfaces must be applicable to the variety of utility services.  A standardized common information model solves “what” is exchanged.  A standardized set of abstract interfaces solves “how” data is exchanged.  Given that a single technology for every environment will never be agreed upon, adapters will very often still be required to convert between differing technologies. 

Figure 20 illustrates the concept of an architecture that is technology independent, based on standard common services, a common information model, and generic interfaces to connect it together. 

Figure 20 Technology-Independent Architecture


Technology Assessment

Part of architecture analysis is identification and evaluation of the various technologies needed to support the implementation of IntelliGrid Architecture common functions and services. The technologies were identified using the requirements gathered from stakeholders and organized according to the following major areas:

·       Enterprise Management Technologies, including network management and system management.

·       Data Management and Exchange Technologies including configuration, format, and exchange of utility-specific data.

·       Platform Technologies, the base level technologies used to provide an operating environment for applications.

·       Communications Infrastructure Technologies, the technologies to move data within a network.

·       Security of the information carried on the communications network.

A complete list of technologies considered are provided in Appendix D. A key subset of these technologies was further analyzed and elaborated on in order to provide a more complete assessment. This analysis appears in Section 3. The team analyzed the technologies in an effort to identify relevance, ability to best meet the requirements and vendor support. Clearly, based on these criteria, in many cases, the resulting analysis concluded with multiple competing and overlapping technologies which can be used to support a given common service or function. The team tried to compare the various competing technologies, discuss the trade-offs and provide an unbiased assessment. With multiple competing technologies, in some cases it is possible to provide an umbrella platform to integrate and unify a federation of different technologies co-existing within IntelliGrid Architecture. In such cases, the team provided proposal for this unification. In a number of areas, gaps and missing technologies were identified and documented. The team has also provided a more comprehensive analysis in form of a spreadsheet to assess the relevance of each specific technology in fulfilling the given user and system requirements. This spreadsheet can be found in Appendix C. There is also another spreadsheet provided in Appendix D that presents in detail the applicability of each individual technology under various operating environments within IntelliGrid Architecture.

Architecture Conclusions

IntelliGrid Architecture prescribes a specific model for each RM-ODP viewpoint:

·       RM-ODP prescribes a separate Functional Model in the Enterprise View.  IntelliGrid Architecture prescribes the standardization of services.  Examples of this in practice include the WG 13/14 application categories or the WG 10 Device Models.

·       RM-ODP prescribes a separate Information Model in the Information View.  IntelliGrid Architecture prescribes that the Information Model be explicit and discoverable.  Examples of this in practice include the WG 13/14 CIM, or the WG 10 Object Models.

·       RM-ODP prescribes a separate Interface Model in the Computational View. IntelliGrid Architecture prescribes that the set of Interfaces be generic.  Examples of this in practice include the WG 13/14 Generic Interface Definition or the WG 10 Abstract Communication Service Interface.

·       RM-ODP prescribes a separate Deployment Model in the Engineering View.  IESCA presents a deployment neutral architecture that can be applied to a variety of Environments.

·       RM-ODP prescribes a separate Technology Model in the Technology View.  IntelliGrid Architecture presents a technology neutral architecture that can be realized with a variety of technologies.  Examples of Deployment and Technology models in practice include WG 13’s Technology Profiles and WG 10’s Communication Stack Profiles.

Figure 21 illustrates the process of deriving IntelliGrid Architecture views corresponding to the five RM-ODP Views.

Figure 21 IntelliGrid Architecture Analysis Logic Flow


Each RM-ODP View and IntelliGrid Architecture View is orthogonal to every other one:

·       From the Enterprise View, services such as a Confidentiality Service can be implemented using a variety of technologies. 

·       From the Information View, information models such as the CIM can exist in many deployment scenarios environments and be implemented using a variety of technologies.  Furthermore the CIM has been developed of any one service or technology independent interface.

·       From the Computation View, a generic interface can be used to transmit data from any information model.  This means that component interfaces do not need to be recoded when the information model gets extended or updated.  Similarly, as platform technologies such as CORBA and Java evolve, the platform neutral specification generic interface can remain stable and provide the design for a bridge for interoperability over time.

·       From the Engineering View, the Common Services, Information Models and Generic Interfaces can be deployed in many environments.  While the environment determines what technology a utility may use, as technology advances the environment stays more or less the same.

·       From the Technology View, the actual technology chosen can only be seen as snap shot in time.  Technology advances rapidly.  The technology independent design of IntelliGrid Architecture ensures that a coherent base for interoperability remains.

IntelliGrid Architecture
Copyright EPRI 2004

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