Instructions to Navigate the NESCOR Cybersecurity Web Site
The purpose of the NESCOR sandbox web site is to identify the cybersecurity requirements and capabilities for the communication standards used across the NISTIR 7628 Logical Interfaces that are illustrated in the Spaghetti Diagram on the home page. The navigation among the web pages is illustrated in the diagram below, and is organized by the:
- NISTIR 7628 domain diagrams
- Logical interfaces between Smart Grid systems within and between the domains
- Communications standards associated with those standards
- Cybersecurity requirements for those interfaces and standards
Site Map
From the home page:
- Click on one of the domains, indicated by the different colors (initially only the blue distribution section in the upper right of the Spaghetti diagram is useful)
- In the domain diagram, click on the interface of interest (initially, only a few interfaces are "live", for instance the interface U117 between the Distribution SCADA system and the Distribution IEDs in the Distribution diagram).
- In the interface page, click on a standard (initially, only DNP3 and IEC 61850 are "live")
Help for Developing this Site
It would be very very helpful if NESCOR Team members could look at this web-based structure, and
- Identify additional types of useful information, either on existing pages or as additional types of pages
- Critique the layout and linking concepts
- Provide editorial and/or technical comments on the existing pages
- Volunteer to help with the content of additional pages (just Word or Excel stuff would be needed)