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Data Management and Exchange Technologies

This section provides a discussion of several current technologies that exemplify how the IntelliGrid Architecture can be realized.  This section does not attempt to discuss all technologies that may be used to create a unified architecture for integration and analysis.  Rather, it only includes a discussion of a small set of technologies that demonstrate IntelliGrid Architecture architectural issues and goals.  The complete set of recommended IntelliGrid Architecture data exchange and management technologies are described in detail in the Appendix D of this volume.

As stated in Section 1, IntelliGrid Architecture is focused on an architecture for integration and analysis.  This means that in general, IntelliGrid Architecture analysis treats systems as black boxes.  IntelliGrid Architecture is more concerned with linking applications as opposed to how they work internally.  This significantly reduces the technologies IntelliGrid Architecture team examines – especially with regard to data management and exchange technologies. 

A prime of example of the level of abstraction that the IntelliGrid Architecture deals with is provided by data storage and back up.  While one would certainly argue that reliable storage and back up of data is a key attribute of good system design, these topics are largely out of scope of IntelliGrid Architecture because how an application stores and backs up its data can be seen as a problem within the application black box.  Since IntelliGrid Architecture is an integration and analysis architecture project and not a technology/development design project, data storage and backup are out of scope.

Horizontal Data Management Technologies

Previous sections have explained the need for information discovery.  To discover the structure of data, systems must agree on how data is encoded.  Recently the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has emerged as the universal means to encode self-describing data.  XML is supported by a wide variety of vendors and has achieved a high degree of acceptance in the market place.

Information discovery also means that you can discover meaning of data in systems.  That is, central to the notion of the unification and aggregation of information is the notion of ontology – a term borrowed from philosophy that refers to the science of describing entities and how they are related.  Ontology is important to information integration since it provides a shared, common understanding of data.  By leveraging this concept we can:

·       Organize and share the entirety of asset related information.

·       Manage content and knowledge in an application-independent way

·       Facilitate the integration of heterogeneous data models for the purpose of data warehousing.

Essentially, ontology is a conceptual information model.  An ontology describes things in a problem domain, including properties, concepts, and rules, and how they relate to one another.  Ontology allows a utility to formalize information semantics (the meaning of data) between information systems. 

The World Wide Web and ontology

Ontology also helps solve one of the most fundamental issues related to the Web: in order for computers to be able to use information from the universe of web pages, information on a web page must be put into a meaningful context.  For example, a web search on the word “rose” brings up pages related to flowers and colors.  If each page also contained a description of how the main topics of the page fit into an ontology, then search engines could detect if the page discussed colors or flowers. 

The standardized use of a language for ontology and its deployment on web pages would greatly expand the usefulness of the web.  In fact, the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) is creating such a Web standard for an ontology language as part of its effort to define semantic standards for the Web.  The Semantic Web is the abstract representation of data on the Web, based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and it related technologies RDF Schema (RDFS) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL).  By using RDF/RDFS/OWL, integrated and unified information systems could be made up of thousands of subsystems all with their own internal semantics, but bound together in a common ontology.  

Figure 1 RDF, RDFS, and OWL Build on Existing W3C Work


RDF/RDFS/OWL, particular ways of using the extensible markup language (XML), provide an application-independent way of representing information.  The RDF related technologies build upon existing W3C work as illustrated in Figure 1.  RDF/RDFS/OWL have been designed to express semantics and as opposed other technologies as illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2 The Tree of Knowledge Technologies


RDF uses XML to define a foundation for processing metadata (metadata is information about data and is separate from the data itself).  RDF can be applied to many areas including data warehousing, as well as searching and cataloging data and relationships (metadata).  RDF itself does not offer industry specific vocabularies.  However, any industry can design and implement a new vocabulary. 

RDF’s data model provides abstract conceptual framework for defining and using metadata.  The basic data model consists of three object types

·       Resource : All things described by RDF expressions are called resources, e.g. it can be an entire web page, a specific XML or XML document or collection of whole page

·       Properties: property is a specific aspect that describes this resource. Each property has a meaning,

·       RDF Statement (triples): A resource together with a named property and its value.

Figure 3 RDF Example


RDF Schema (RDFS) builds on RDF and provides more support for standard semantic concepts such as what a class, class property, and class association are as illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4 RDFS Example


The Web Ontology Language (OWL) builds on RDF and RDFS to add the ability to express what is common and what is different between different ontologies.  For example, OWL can be use to express the differences between two different energy market ontologies defined by Nerc and ETSO for example. Specifically OWL adds:

·       Class Axioms

o      oneOf (enumerated classes)

o      disjointWith

o      sameClassAs applied to class expressions

o      rdfs:subClassOf applied to class expressions

·       Boolean Combinations of Class Expressions

o      unionOf

o      intersectionOf

o      complementOf

·       Arbitrary Cardinality

o      cardinality

o      minCardinality

o      maxCardinality

·       Filler Information

o      hasValue Descriptions can include specific value information


Figure 5 OWL Example


Since the RDF related technologies are equally suited for structured, as well as unstructured data, like the documents described previously, they are ideal for use as the unifying mechanism for describing data for an asset analysis platform.  These technologies appear to be the key for next generation knowledge/content management solutions.  Using RDF/RDFS/OWL, it will be possible to use a single information management infrastructure across all utility information resources.


As described above, the most significant data management issue revolves around how to discover the format and meaning of data.  XML and RDF provide promising ways to describe data.  However, just having mechanisms for describing the format and meaning of data is not enough – one must also have an understanding of the data itself as well as a means to connect systems together in order to operate on the data.  These last two tasks can be described as technologies for understanding what data is passed and how data is passed between systems.  While XML and RDF help us a great deal we still need Common Information Model that get encoded using XML and RDF and Generic Interfaces complementary to XML and RDF for application integration and data integration tasks.

Field Device Technologies

If discovery of information emerges as a key feature that a technology must support to limit configuration tasks and increase the understanding of data, what field device protocols best support discovery?  This section discusses these issues as they pertain to field device protocols.

Comparison of DNP3 and IEC61850

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Technical Committee 57 (TC57) began releasing the IEC60870-5[13] series of standards related to data communication protocols for intelligent electronic devices (IED) over serial links in 1990. After several more years of effort, the application layer protocols needed to build actual implementations of these standards had not been finalized. Necessarily, the substation automation division of GE-Harris in Calgary, Alberta, Canada took the existing IEC work, finished it internally, and released it as the Distributed Networking Protocol Number 3 (DNP3) in 1993. Simultaneously, GE-Harris formed a non-profit organization with open membership and transferred the ownership of and responsibility for DNP3 to this group called the DNP Users Group. The DNP Users Group attracted a critical mass of North American suppliers and utilities as members and supporters that resulted in DNP3 becoming widely used in North America. The IEC TC57 continued its work and did finally release the application protocols for serial link based communications as IEC60870-5-101 in 1994.

Figure 6 The Evolution of DNP3 and IEC61850


Both DNP3 and IEC60870-5-101 specified a master-slave protocol for point-to-point serial links. A major consideration in the early 90s was the relatively high cost of bandwidth for the communications channels available to utilities. The byte efficiency of DNP3 and IEC60870-5-101 made them suitable for immediate applications in these low bandwidth environments. Since then, as bandwidths costs have declined and as the use of high-speed networking technology like Ethernet became widespread, even in substations; both the IEC and DNP3 have offered Ethernet based versions of these protocols that transmit the same byte sequences used on serial links over high-speed local area networks (LAN) using the TCP/IP or UDP/IP protocols over Ethernet.

The resulting IEC standards had minor differences with DNP3. Although seemingly minor, these differences resulted in incompatibilities that have fragmented the market. DNP3 became very widely used in North America and in other countries where North American suppliers had strong market share, while IEC60870-5-101 became dominant in Europe and other countries where European suppliers were dominant.

In 1991, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) released a specification entitled the Utility Communications Architecture (UCA).  UCA provided an overall architecture for communications within the utility enterprise and described the communications requirements for each application domain within the utility enterprise. The original UCA 1.0 document referred to specific pre-existing protocols that could be used within each application domain but did not provide sufficient implementation details for developers to build products around. In the distribution and transmission domains, the UCA1.0 specification suggested the use of the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) per ISO9506 (released in 1988) for real-time communications. MMS was already used in some industrial automation applications at the time and offered high-level object oriented communications for real-time data access and supervisory control for LAN based devices.

In 1992, EPRI then began a process of creating utility communications standards for real implementations in several application spaces. The first was for control center to control center application to replace aging bi-synchronous protocols used for inter-utility data exchange that was needed to support the rapidly developing competitive energy market. This resulted in the Intercontrol Center Communications Protocol (ICCP). EPRI submitted the ICCP work to IEC TC57 Working 7 (WG07) resulting in the IEC60870-6 TASE.2 standard in 1996. Today, ICCP-TASE.2 is widely used world-wide for inter-utility data exchange and power plant dispatching. Although profiles for the IEC60870-5 standards were developed for this same application space (IEC60870-5-102), the ICCP-TASE.2 standard is more widely used particularly in large-scale systems in North America, South America, Asia, and Europe.

The second effort EPRI started was to fully develop a single unified communications protocol based on the UCA1.0 recommendations for both distribution automation and substation automation applications. This resulted in the UCA 2.0 specification which was published as an IEEE technical report TR1550 in 1999. While the EPRI work was nearing completion the IEC TC57 working group that developed the IEC60870-5 protocols (WG10, WG11, and WG12) began work on upgrading the older IEC60870-5 standards to address the needs of modern substations using LAN technologies like Ethernet and TCP/IP. The result was the release of IEC61850 in 2003 that integrated the European experience with IEC6087-5 with the North American efforts of UCA2.0 to create a single unified international standard for substation automation utilizing modern high-speed networking technology.

IEC61850 specifies a set of communications requirements for substations, an abstract service model for commonly required communications services in substations, an abstract model for substation data objects, a device configuration language based on XML, and a mapping of these abstract models to the MMS application layer protocol running over TCP/IP based Ethernet networks[14]. The virtualized architecture of the IEC61850 standard (whereby an abstract model for services and objects are mapped onto a specific protocol profile) provides a flexible approach that could, theoretically, be mapped onto other protocols in the future.

The most significant differences in the roots of DNP3 (including IEC60870-5) and IEC61850 is that DNP3 was originally defined as an RTU protocol for low-bandwidth point-to-point serial link requirements that was later migrated for use over high-speed substation networks. IEC61850 was designed specifically for application in the substation LAN environment. Most of the technical differences between these protocols can be directly traced to these different roots. Some would argue that having a single simpler protocol work over both serial links and LAN can reduce costs by reducing the learning curve associated with deploying new protocols. Others will argue that using simple serial link protocols originally intended for low bandwidth environments does not take advantage of the capabilities of modern networks and IEDs and results in lower performance with higher configuration and maintenance costs.

Comparison of Communications Profiles

Although DNP3 was originally developed for serial link profiles, the DNP Users Group (and IEC TC57 for the IEC60870-5 standards) have released communications profiles that enable DNP3 to operate over Ethernet based networks. While the UCA2.0 specification provided both serial link and Ethernet based profiles, the IEC61850 standard provides profiles for Ethernet based networks only. The comparison provided here will focus on the Ethernet based profiles for DNP3 and IEC61850.

There are two types of Ethernet based communications profiles supported by these standards: connection-oriented and connectionless. A connection-oriented profile is used to support directed communications where there is a virtual connection between two communicating entities and only two entities per communications session. Connectionless profiles are typically used for multicast messaging where a single transmitted message can be received by multiple receivers. Both IEC61850 and DNP3 offer separate profiles for connection-oriented and connectionless communications.

Figure 7 Profile Comparison: Directed Communications – Connection-oriented


For the connection-oriented profiles, both IEC61850 and DNP3 utilize TCP/IP protocols for the transport and network layers. For the DNP3 profile, the same master-slave protocol that was developed for the serial link profile, including DNP3 Pseudo Transport and Data Link protocols, is sent over TCP. TCP connections are initiated between the master and each slave on the network. DNP3 slaves listen on a defined TCP port for incoming messages from the master. Upon receipt they would respond to the master appropriately. Like in a serial based system, the DNP3 data link is used to coordinate the activities between masters and slaves. There are DNP3 data link protocol packets that are received by slaves that tell them when they can either respond to a message from the master or when they can send unsolicited data for reporting purposes. Although the coordination of this activity is not strictly required by the underlying TCP/IP stack, this approach enables existing master and slave software to be used for both serial and LAN profiles without a lot of modification. The result is a master-slave protocol running on the peer-to-peer TCP/IP network.

IEC61850 uses an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard called RFC1006 for mapping the IEC61850 and MMS protocol packets over a TCP/IP network for connection-oriented communications. The RFC1006 standard was developed by IETF for mapping ISO/OSI application level protocols, like the MMS that IEC61850 is based upon, to TCP/IP. In IEC61850 a calling node issues a connection request to a remote called node. Called nodes listen for incoming connection requests on a defined TCP port. Once the communications session has been established either side may assume the client or server role and send data and/or requests over the connection independently of the other side as long as the connection is up.

Figure 8 Profile Comparison: Multi-cast communications – Connectionless


For connectionless communications, DNP3 and IEC61850 differ more substantially. As with the connection-oriented profile, the DNP3 profile for connectionless essentially runs the DNP3 serial link profile over an Ethernet based profile. In this case, the Unsolicited Datagram Protocol (UDP) protocol is used instead of the TCP protocol. UDP is a connectionless non-reliable transport protocol that provides connectionless communications over IP based networks. Reliable message delivery is provided by the DNP3 Pseudo Transport and Data Link protocols that are used in this profile. Rather than listening on a defined TCP port for incoming messages from a master, DNP3 slaves listen to a multi-cast IP address for messages from the master. Both slaves and masters need to be configured with the multi-cast IP address. Because UDP is not a reliable message transport protocol that supports segmentation and reassembly of packets, there are some limitations about how data can be transmitted using this profile. For some applications, these limitations may not be significant and there are successful implementations of this profile.

For IEC61850, and unlike DNP3, the connectionless multi-cast profile serves a fundamentally different purpose than the connection-oriented profile. With IEC61850 the connection-oriented profile is used at the station level for data exchange between two specific nodes. In the connectionless profile IEC61850 uses the multi-cast profiles to send several fundamentally different types of messages to multiple nodes simultaneously: 1) status information (Generic Substation Status Event – GSSE) regarding the state of an IED, 2) data set of IEC61850 objects (see discussion of object models later), and 3) sensor information via the Sampled Measures Values (SMV) approach of IEC61850-9-2. GSSE is typically used by protective relays to broadcast their current status (e.g. blocked, tripped, etc.) quickly (4 milliseconds) so that other devices can use that information in complex protection algorithms. A Generic Object Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) is used to communicate commonly used information (e.g. three phase voltage measurements) to multiple nodes simultaneously. SMV is used to send raw measurements from intelligent sensors to multiple nodes simultaneously that enables a digital replacement for analog current and voltage transformers.

In summary, the DNP3 profiles enable the transmission of the same protocol originally developed for serial links over either connection-oriented or connectionless LANs. This results in the essential character of the protocol being preserved (i.e. master-slave) while supporting the very significant performance improvements that the use of modern LAN technology affords. The only real difference in the DNP3 connection-oriented versus connectionless environments is that the latter avoids the small TCP overhead of maintaining separate TCP connections between each master and slave. The IEC61850 connection oriented profiles offer a similar capability as the DNP3 profiles offer for basic station level and SCADA services using a client-server approach that enables independent communications between nodes. IEC61850 connectionless profiles support other capabilities for specific substation applications that go beyond the original intent of DNP3.

Comparison of Service Models

The services supported by DNP3 is large subset of that offered by IEC61850. This is not surprising since both are intended for similar applications in substation automation. In several areas where either DNP3 or IEC61850 has a capability not supported by the other, it is still possible to implement these services by combining other services. For instance, event logs can be implemented using files in DNP3 even though the DNP3 standard does not specify how to implement event logs. While the advantage of having the standard define these capabilities directly might be lost, the basic functionality is still available.


Figure 9 Service Comparison


There are services that IEC61850 offers that cannot be practically supported using the current version of DNP3. These services include object discovery, Substation Configuration Language (SCL), GOOSE, GSSE, and SMV. Because these high-level (object discover) or very high-performance (GOOSE, GSSE, and SMV) services were not practical for low-bandwidth serial link applications, they were never a part of DNP3’s origins and, therefore, were not available for the LAN based profiles that were developed for DNP3. There are work items within the DNP Users Group to develop a mapping between the abstract models of IEC61850 to DNP. However, such a mapping would require protocol changes to support these additional services that could not be implemented using the DNP3 protocol as it is defined today.

Comparison of Object Models

Both IEC61850 and DNP3 define various objects for representing power system data. The DNP3 object model is based on a traditional remote terminal unit (RTU) device model. A traditional RTU is general purpose device capable of collecting I/O signals in a variety of formats (digital, analogy, state, etc.) and communicating those I/O points using a given SCADA protocol, like DNP3. Because RTUs were traditionally general purpose, it was the user or system engineer that determined the specific function a specific I/O point represented when they wired that I/O point within the substation. For example, an RTU would have a variety of analog and digital inputs. It was typically the user that wired those inputs to specific current and voltage transformers or specific breakers that created the “mapping” between these I/O points and specific functions in the substation. Therefore, when the engineer wanted to access the I/O for a given bus voltage by communicating to the RTU from a remote site via some protocol, they would have to have either a wiring diagram, or other document, that described where the desired voltage was wired into the RTU in order to access that I/O point via the RTU protocol.

The DNP3 data model is based on a similar structure. A DNP3 object description is comprised of three different parts:

·       Object Number. The object number specified the type of data point using a numerical value. For example, object number = 1 would represent a Binary Input Static data point, object number = 2 would represent a Binary Input Event data point, and so on.

·       Variation Number.  The variation number specified which optional parameters would be present for a given data point of a specific object number. For instance, variation number = 1 would mean that the data point included status, variation number = 2 meant that the data point did not include status, and so on.

·       Index Number. The index number refers to a specific instance of an object of a given object and variation. For instance, if a device supported 16 binary input static objects, the index number to access one of these was 0-15.

·       Device Profile. In addition to the description of the data points as defined above, the DNP Users Group also specified device profiles for common devices that specified which objects should be implemented for a given type of device with recommendations for which object and variation numbers should be used for various types of signals that are commonly needed in these applications.

The result is that DNP3 specified a broad set of data objects and device types sufficient to provide interoperability for a large number of applications and device types in power systems. Additional profiles are added as needed by the user community. Furthermore, the use of small 8-bit numbers to represent object and variation types and compact index numbers provided a very byte-efficient mechanism for specifying a data point. This allowed DNP3 to maximize the number of data points that could be fit into a single DNP3 data frame. As described earlier, this byte efficiency was critical to the effectiveness of DNP3 as a solution for low-bandwidth serial links.

The IEC61850 data model is an object oriented model that not only defines the basic data types for common data points, but also rigorously defines the naming conventions used and how the data is organized into functional groupings called logical nodes. IEC61850 does not use compact numbers to describe data points. Instead, IEC61850 uses names that specify a fixed hierarchical organization for the data to describe each data object. The name specifies not the only the way you access the data point via the protocol, but it also defines its functional characteristic within the device. In other words, the engineer can determine that a given point is a voltage without having to know how the device is wired. The IEC61850 data model consists of the following concepts:

·       Logical Device. The IEC61850 object model enables a single physical device to represent data for multiple logical devices such as might exist in a data concentrator application. This name is typically defined by the user or supplier. IEC61850 requires at least one logical device with a name of “LD0” to be present to hold data common to all logical devices such as device identity information.

Figure 10 IEC61850 Object Model


·       Logical Node. Specifies a grouping of data objects that are functionally related. For instance, measurements are contained in logical nodes with the name “MMXU”, data related to a switch controller function will be contained in logical nodes with the name “CSWI”, breaker data will be contained in a logical node named “XCBR”, and so on. Multiple instances of the same logical node are delineated by a suffix number (MMXU1, MMXU2, etc.). Logical nodes that are related to each other (the switch controller (CSWIx) associated with a given breaker (XCBRx)) are associated to each other in the name using a user defined prefix.

·       Functional Constraint.  While not a formal part of the object models for IEC61850, the mapping of IEC 61850 to MMS contained in part 8-2 introduces this name to group together data objects with similar functions within the logical node. For instance, “MX” designates measurements and “DC” designates descriptions, etc.

·       Data Object. The data object name specifies the data desired. For instance, “V” specifies voltage and “A” specifies current, etc.

·       Attributes. These specify the individual elements that comprise a data object. For instance, “PhsAf” specifies the floating point value for phase A in a wye-connected measurement, “q” specifies quality flags, “t” specifies the time stamp, etc. The IEC61850 standard defines the data types (integer, floating point, binary, time, etc.) for all allowable attributes.

Per the mapping of IEC61850 to 8-1, to create an object name you would take each element from the Logical Node down in the hierarchy separated by dollar signs (“$”). Therefore, the floating point value of the phase A voltage in the first measurement unit of a given device would be: MMXU1$MX$V$PhsAf. A power system engineer familiar with the IEC61850 naming convention can determine which data point contains the data they are interested in by examining the same name that is used to access the data via the protocol. The name for the same functional objects is mostly the same in any given device regardless of the brand or type of device.

Additionally, IEC61850 includes a Substation Configuration Language (SCL per IEC61850-6) that can be used to express the configuration of all the data objects in a given device using XML. An SCL file will contain a description of all the logical devices, logical nodes, etc. that are defined for a given device. The SCL file can be used for many purposes that can significantly lower costs and improve productivity including: enabling users to create specifications for devices that can be used for RFPs to ensure the equipment they purchase meets their functional requirements, automated tools can be developed to automatically configure devices with specific objects, configuration information on devices can be exchanged among devices improving the interchangeability of devices and applications, and many other future uses limited only by the creativity of users and suppliers.


In many ways, a direct head to head comparison between DNP3 and IEC61850 is not fair, and depending on the circumstance, might not even be valid. It is a classic apples and oranges comparison. You can use apples to make applesauce and you can use oranges to make orange juice. But there is no reason that you can’t enjoy a glass of orange juice while eating a bowl of applesauce. The same is true with respect to DNP3 and IEC61850: they are not mutually exclusive. Each protocol has characteristics that will make it optimal for a given set of application constraints. Each was designed to be optimized for a given set of requirements. This does not mean that neither can be used outside of its optimal space nor does it mean that only one or the other can be used at any given time. The byte efficiency of DNP3 makes it an excellent choice for bandwidth constrained applications in distribution like pole-top devices or where existing systems already provide DNP3 connectivity.  The high-level object models and high-performance services of IEC61850 will make it an excellent choice where large numbers of devices must be configured, where the number of communicating entities is difficult to fix or is constantly changing, and where changes in device configuration is frequent cause maintenance problems in existing applications. Any well-designed system will utilize each/both DNP3 and IEC61850 as appropriate to maximize the benefits and minimize the costs for implementing the systems needed by users.

Control Center/Operations Technologies

Key technologies for the integration and analysis of control center data are three IEC standards: WG 13’s 61970 Common Information Model (CIM) and Generic Interface Definition (GID) as well as WG 14’s 61968 messaging standards.  How these standards fit in with other TC 57 standards is illustrated in Figure 11

Figure 11 TC 57 Standards



The CIM contains object types such as substations, breakers, and work orders as well as other data typically found in an EMS, SCADA, DMS, or work, and asset management system. More recently, the CIM is being extended to include transmission reservation and energy scheduling information. The CIM was originally developed as part of the EPRI Control Center Application Programming Interface (CCAPI) project and later standardized by IEC TC57 WG13 as part of the IEC61970 series standards for control centers. The CIM standard includes information associated with control center applications such as:

·       Energy Management Systems (EMS)

o      Topology Processing

o      State Estimator

o      Power Flow

·       Security Analysis

·       Supervisory Control and Data Access Systems (SCADA)

·       Network planning

IEC TC57 WG14 has extended the CIM in their IEC61968 standard for Distribution Management Systems (DMS) related functions. IEC61968 added information models associated with operational support applications such as:

·       Asset Management Systems (AMS)

·       Work Management Systems (WMS)

·       Construction Management

·       Distribution Network Management

·       Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

·       Outage Management

The CIM describes real world objects in terms of classes, attributes and relationships. For example, the diagram below depicts the relationship between a set of CIM classes per IEC61970. A substation can contain voltage levels. Voltage levels can contain equipment. Breakers and Transformers are subtypes of a more general class called Conducting Equipment. Breakers have terminals that are associated with measurements. Transformers have windings that are also associated with measurements. And so on.


Figure 12 Simplified Fragment of CIM Power System Model


This diagram above does not illustrate all the possible associations specified in CIM. For example, substations, breakers, and transformers may also be directly associated with measurements.  The diagram below illustrates a very simplified view of some of the CIM classes added by IEC61968:

Figure 13 Simplified Fragment of CIM Asset/Work Model


In the diagram above, Power System Resource is the parent class of all logical equipment, such as circuit breakers, and equipment containers, such as a substation. In the CIM, the term “asset” refers to a physical object. Assets are associated one to one with logical equipment. Assets exist at a location that can be represented on a map. Elsewhere, the IEC61968 CIM also defines a parent document class. Outage reports, equipment lists, work orders, and inspection schedules are sub types of the document class. An outage report contains an equipment list that refers to one or more assets. And so on.

The CIM is defined as a set of Class Diagrams using a model language called the Unified Modeling Language (UML). UML is an object-oriented modeling language used for system specification, visualization and documentation. UML is a way of describing software with diagrams and is a language that both users and programmers can understand. The CIM itself is maintained in a software information modeling tool called Rational Rose. This is just one of many tools supporting UML.

The CIM is partitioned into a set of packages. Each package is a way of grouping related model elements. Each package in the CIM contains one or more class diagrams showing graphically all the classes in that package and their relationships to other classes.  Measurements are defined in the Meas package, which contains entities that describe dynamic measurement data exchanged between different applications.

The CIM class diagrams describe the types of objects in the system and the various kinds of static relationships that exist among them. There are three principle kinds of static relationships:

·       Associations (A Terminal is connected to a connectivity node)

·       Generalization and subtypes (A switch is a type of conducting equipment)

·       Aggregation (A winding is part of a transformer)


Generalization or inheritance is a powerful technique for simplifying class diagrams. The primary use of generalization in the CIM is shown in figure below.


Figure 14 Generalizations for power system resource and conducting equipment


By defining a PowerSystemResource class, the attributes and relationships for this class can be inherited by all the other subclasses. The PowerSystemResource class is used to describe any physical power system object or grouping of power system physical objects that needs to be modeled, monitored or measured. All the subclasses of PowerSystemResource inherit the following relationships:

·       PowerSystemResource “measured by” Measurement

·       PowerSystemResource “owned by” Company

·       PowerSystemResource “member of” PowerSystemResource.


The ConductingEquipment class is used to define those objects that conduct electricity. As shown in the figure below, the following associations are used to specify the connectivity of these objects:

·       ConductingEquipment “has” Terminals

·       Terminal “is connected to” ConnectivityNode

·       Connectivity Node “is member of” TopologicalNode


Figure 15 Defining connectivity for conducting equipment


The transformer model in the figure below illustrates the use of Aggregation. The aggregation relationship specifies that:

·       A Transformer “has” one or more windings

·       A Transformer Winding “has” 0, 1 or 2 Tap Changers

Figure 16 Transformer model illustrating use of aggregation


In the CIM, the aggregation relationships in the figure above would be specified using the PowerSystemResource “is member of” PowerSystemResource relationship. Equipment can be grouped into zero, one, or several containers. For example, a switch could have the following relationships:

·       Switch “is member of” substation

·       Switch “is member of” transmission line

·       Switch “is member of” Feeder

Comparison of the CIM and the 61850 Object Model

There is often understandable confusion about the similarities and differences between the IEC61850 device object models and the IEC61970 CIM UML-based Models. Both are abstract models of information; both involve utility operations; both were developed in the IEC TC57 standards organization in two working groups with some common membership. Both object models are defined using XML schemas. Yet despite these similarities, they have not (yet) been “harmonized” to work together as a seamless whole.

Figure 17 provides an overview of the domains of the two standards.

Figure 17: IEC61850 Models and Connections with IEC61970 Models


As can be seen in this figure, the IEC61850 models are predominantly in the field. These IEC61850 models are of physical field devices, such as circuit breakers, protection relays, capacitor controllers, and, in recent work, distributed energy resources such as wind turbines, diesel generators, and fuel cells. The IEC61850 standard contains a number of parts, including the actual Object Models (OM), Service Models (SM), and mappings to different Communication Protocols (CP).

The Object Models are “nouns” with pre-defined names and pre-defined data structures. Objects are the data that is exchanged among different devices and systems. The OM structure from the bottom up is described below:

·       Standard Data Types: common digital formats such as Boolean, integer, and floating point.

·       Common Attributes: predefined common attributes that can be reused by many different objects, such as the Quality attribute. These common attributes are defined in IEC61850-7-3 clause 6.

·       Common Data Classes (CDCs): predefined groupings building on the standard data types and predefined common attributes, such as the Single Point Status (SPS), the Measured Value (MV), and the Controllable Double Point (DPC). In essence, these CDCs are used to define the type or format of Data Objects. These CDCs are defined in IEC61850-7-3 clause 7.

·       Data Objects (DO): predefined names of objects associated with one or more Logical Nodes. Their type or format is defined by one of the CDCs. They are listed only within the Logical Nodes. An example of a DO is “Auto” defined as CDC type SPS. It can be found in a number of Logical Nodes. Another example of a DO is “RHz” defined as a SPC (controllable single point), which is found only in the RSYN Logical Node.

·       Logical Nodes (LN): predefined groupings of Data Objects that serve specific functions and can be used as “bricks” to build the complete device. Examples of LNs include MMXU which provides all electrical measurements in 3-phase systems (voltage, current, watts, vars, power factor, etc.); PTUV for the model of the voltage portion of under voltage protection; and XCBR for the short circuit breaking capability of a circuit breaker. These LNs are described in IEC61850-7-4 clause 5.

·       Logical Devices (LD): the device model composed of the relevant Logical Nodes. For instance, a circuit breaker could be composed of the Logical Nodes: XCBR, XSWI, CPOW, CSWI, and SMIG. Logical Devices are not directly defined in any of the documents, since different products and different implementations can use different combinations of Logical Nodes for the same Logical Device. However, many examples are given in IEC61850-5.



In contrast, the IEC61970 CIM models are predominantly in the control center, where the core model is of the relationships among the power system elements, such as what transmission lines are connected to which substations, which are connected to which circuit breakers and distribution lines. The CIM provides an abstract model of power systems, including physical configuration (wires), political aspects (ownership hierarchy), market aspects, and others. It is defined in UML and can be represented in XML. The GID, also defined as part of IEC61970, provides abstract services for exchanging objects, including read/write and publish/subscribe. The fact that these are abstract means that they are technology independent, and can be implemented using different technologies in different installations.

CIM limitations include that the CIM model is static, so that definitions of data exchanges in CIM format are not a part of the CIM model and must be defined externally for each implementation. No mechanism is included in the standard to define data exchanges dynamically, although the Component Interface Specifications describe some specific types of CIM objects to be exchanged for specific functions. In addition, CIM is focused on transmission power system and asset management applications, and therefore, still requires extensions for other aspects of power system operations.

IEC61850 Configuration Language and the CIM

The concept of a configuration language is that the configuration of the substation can be modeled electronically using object models, not just the data in the substation. This model of the substation configuration allows applications to “learn” how all the devices within a substation are actually interconnected both electrically and from an information point of view.

The Substation Configuration Language (SCL), IEC61850 Part 6, defines the interrelationship of the substation equipment to each other and to the substation itself. Although the substation object models define each of the devices in the substation, these device models do not define how the models are interrelated. Therefore Part 6 was developed to provide a tool for defining the substation configuration.

The SCL uses a standard file format for exchanging information between proprietary configuration tools for substation devices. This standard is based on Extensible Markup Language (XML), and draws on the data modeling concepts found in the other parts of IEC 61850, and the capability of the IEC 61850 protocols to “self-describe” the data to be reported by a particular device.

The SCL is therefore almost identical in concept to the CIM: it is identifying the relationships among the different devices within the substation. It is exactly here where the main “conflict” between the two standards emerges.


In one sense, these differences between the two models are as great as those between apples and oranges. However, it is clear that both are needed and that each supplements the capabilities of the other. In addition, if both are implemented in a utility, they must interface with each other and function as an integrated whole.

The IEC TC57 has in fact undertaken to harmonize the two models as illustrated in Figure 18.


Figure 18 Proposed Harmonization of 61850 and 61970 Information Models


In this on-going harmonization work, two Use Cases were identified as being important in illustrating the key harmonization issues:

·       ‘Retrofit of the equipment in a substation (with addition of a new line and transformer)’

·       ‘Real-Time information exchange between 61850 devices and the Control Center / Office’


The first Use Case assumes the use of the Substation Configuration Language in the IEC61850 world, and addresses the harmonization between that and the CIM. Since both SCL and CIM use XML, some preliminary work has suggested adding SCL to the CIM as another UML sub-model, with the IEC61850 Logical Nodes identified via XML tags that have been harmonized between the CIM and SCL. Some naming issues remain.

The second Use Case addresses a secondary “conflict” which is that the CIM defines all measurements as “PowerSystemResource” combined with a “MeasurementType” with no further clarification, while IEC61850 defines each value with a unique name. Although not formalized yet, the solution seems to be to use the CIM AliasName in the MeasurementType CIM table to refer to the IEC61850 names.

61970 Generic Interface Definition

Without a means to discover what data an application processes, plug and play is nearly impossible to achieve.  To address these impediments to plug and play and the need for a common exchange mechanism, or “how” data is exchanged, WG13 is in the process of adopting a series of interface standards called the Generic Interface Definition (GID). The GID is an umbrella term for four interfaces:

·       Generic Data Access (GDA) – A generic request/reply oriented interface that supports browsing and querying randomly associated structured data – including schema (class) and instance information.

·       Generic Eventing and Subscription (GES) – A publish/subscribe oriented interface that supports hierarchical browsing of schema and instance information.  The GES is typically used as an API for publishing/subscribing to XML formatted messages.

·       High Speed Data Access (HSDA) – A request/reply and publish/subscribe oriented interface that supports hierarchical browsing and querying of schema (class) and instance information about high-speed data.

·       Time Series Data Access (TSDA) – – A request/reply and publish/subscribe oriented interface that supports hierarchical browsing and querying of schema (class) and instance information about time-series data.

Table 1 below organizes the GID functionality into a simple matrix:


Table 1 Matrix Of GID Functionality



High Speed

Time Series










Applications use the standard interfaces to connect to each other directly or to an integration framework such as a message bus or data warehouse. The GID interfaces allow applications to be written independently of the capabilities of the underlying infrastructure.


The GID can be realized using a variety of middleware technologies including:

·       RPC/API based CORBA, COM, Java, or C language specializations

·       W3C Web Services/XML/HTTP based

Regardless if these interfaces are implemented as an API or on the wire, the GID provides the following key functionality required for creation of a plug and play infrastructure:

o      Interfaces are generic and are independent of any application category and integration technology. This facilitates reusability of applications supporting these interfaces.

o      Interfaces support schema announcement/discovery – The schemas are discoverable so that component configuration can be done programmatically at run time. Programmatically exposing the schema of application data eliminates a great deal of manual configuration.

o      Interfaces support business object namespace presentation – Each component describes the business object instances that it supports within the context of a common namespace shared among all applications such as a power system network model like the EPRI Common Information Model (CIM). It is not enough to merely expose the application data schema, one must also expose what specific breakers, transformers, etc., that an application operates on.  This also eliminates manual configuration as well as provides a means for a power system engineer to understand how enterprise data is organized and accessed.

The advantage of using generic interfaces instead of application-specific ones cannot be over emphasized.  The benefits of using generic interfaces include:

The interfaces developed are middleware neutral and were designed to be implemented over commercially available message bus and database technology.  This means a single wrapper can be used regardless on the technology used to perform integration.

As application category independent, the same interfaces are used to wrap any application.  This means that new wrappers do not need to be developed every time an application is added to the system.

·       Creates a consistent and easy to use integration framework by providing a unified programming model for application integration.

·       Enhances interoperability by “going the last mile”. Agreement on the “what” of data is not enough to ensure component interoperability. We also need to standardize on “how” data is accessed. To provide a simple analogy, we standardize on a 110/220 volt 60 hertz sine wave for residential electrical systems in the US. This is a standardization of “what”. However, we also standardize the design of the plugs and receptacles. This is a standardization of the “how”. The standardization of plugs and receptacles means that we don’t need to call an electrician every time we want to install a toaster. Similarly with software, standardizing on the interface means a connector does not need to be created from scratch every time we install a new application.

·       Since application vendors can “shrink wrap” a CIM/GID compliant wrapper, the use of the CIM and GID can lower the cost of integration to utilities by fostering the market for off-the-shelf connectors supplied by application vendors or 3rd parties. The time and money associated with data warehousing/application integration wrapper development and maintenance is high. Typically, most money spent on integration is spent on the wrappers. An off-the-shelf CIM/GID wrapper can replace the custom-built “Extraction and Transformation” steps of an Extraction/Transformation/Load warehouse process. The availability of off-the-shelf CIM/GID compliant wrappers is a key to lowering application integration and data warehouse deployment and maintenance costs very significantly.

The GID interfaces support viewing of legacy application data within the context of a shared model such as the CIM. The GID interfaces take full advantage of the fact that the CIM is more than just a collection of related attributes – it is a unified data model. Viewing data in a CIM context helps eliminates manual configuration and provides a means for a power system engineer to understand how enterprise data is organized and accessed. The GID interfaces allow legacy data to be exposed within a power system oriented context. This makes data more understandable and “empowers the desktop” by enabling power system engineers to accomplish many common configuration tasks instead of having to rely on IT personnel.

The GID interfaces support viewing of legacy application data within the context of a shared model such as the CIM. The GID interfaces take full advantage of the fact that the CIM is more than just a collection of related attributes – it is a unified data model. Viewing data in a CIM context helps eliminates manual configuration and provides a means for a power system engineer to understand how enterprise data is organized and accessed. The GID interfaces allow legacy data to be exposed within a power system oriented context. This makes data more understandable and “empowers the desktop” by enabling power system engineers to accomplish many common configuration tasks instead of having to rely on IT personnel.


The GID interfaces specify two related mechanisms. The first specifies a programmatic interface that a component or component wrapper must implement. The second specifies how a populated information model such as the CIM (the power system class metadata specified in the information model as well as the related instances) is exposed via the programmatic interface. The later concept is embodied in the term “namespace”.

A namespaces can include a complex set of inter related metadata and related instance data.  In this case, the namespace contains a “mesh network” or “lattice” of nodes as shown in Figure 19.  In other words, there is more than one path between any two nodes so it is hard or impossible to say there is a top or bottom.  The display of all of an unpopulated (just object types) or populated (including object instances) CIM provides two examples mesh networks since many CIM classes have many associations to different nodes. 

Figure 19 Example of a Full Mesh type of Namespace


The TC57 standard namespaces provide an agreement on how to communicate CIM based hierarchies via an interface that supports namespace browsing such as the GID and supply a utility specific way (CIM based) of viewing and configuring the exchange of data.  That is, the TC 57 standard namespaces provide a restricted means for exposing the CIM schema and instance data an application processes.

Three hierarchical namespaces are standardized in 61970. They are:

·       TC57PhysicalModel

·       TC57ClassModel

·       TC57ISModel

The TC57PhysicalModel is a tree that orders power system related instance data in accordance to how it is contained from a physical perspective. Companies contain sub control areas; sub control areas contain substations, etc. The idea is that a power system engineer can find a breaker without having to remember a potentially convoluted or inconsistent naming scheme as shown below.

Figure 20 Example TC57PhysicalNamespace


The TC57ClassModel consists of a tree that orders power system related instance data in accordance to object types. Viewing data is this way is often most convenient for example when one wants to access all protective relays for example.

Figure 21 Example TC57ClassNamespace


The TC57ISModel namespace is associated with the Generic Eventing and Subscription (GES) interface, the standard interface for publishing and subscribing described below. The tree allows an application to describe what message types (application data schema) it publishes as well as the content of each message type.

Figure 22 Example TC57ISNamespace


The use of namespaces

This section describes how a namespaces can be used at an application interface to make utility data more understandable and usable. For example consider the diagram below:

Figure 23 Traditional view of utility data


Figure 23 shows how data is often presented by a typical legacy application. In this case customer data is presented by an application as a flat set of records without much information about how customers relate to information modeled in the CIM such as network topology or maintenance history. However, if one is interested in correlating the reliability of power delivered to customer to repair records or a network element such as a distribution feeder for example, then it is useful to be able to put customer records in the context of the model. The generic interfaces provide a standard way of exposing data such as customer records within a namespace, in this case the TC57PhysicalModel as illustrated in Figure 24:

Figure 24 Customer data within a CIM Network View


The GID interfaces provide the capability to discover the metadata and instance data a server exposes via browsing.  However, browsing a server’s complete namespace may consume a large amount of time. For example, consider a namespace deployed at a large utility.  If one counts all the measurements in the namespace, the number might exceed one million.  The number possible paths to these measurements can be an order of magnitude more.  This can significantly degrade the client user experience.  It is not efficient to individually discover each measurement by browsing the namespace. Rather, it would be better if a client that wishes to subscribe to measurement data updates could determine the locations (paths from a hierarchical namespace root to destination) of each measurement in a more efficient way.  But how can this be done when there is no standard way of naming each measurement point that indicates where a measurement occurs in a power system model.  The solution is provided by the employment of a known common information model such as the CIM and a standard namespace such as the TC57PhysicalModel namespace.

Consider the simple namespace illustrated in Figure 25.  In this example with regard to metadata, it is possible for a company to own or operate a device and devices can have measurements associated with them.  With regard to instance data, Eastern Electric is a company that owns TransformerABC that has a temperature measurement called Point7. 

Figure 25 Example Full Mesh Namespace


From this full mesh namespace, at least two different hierarchical namespaces could be constructed: one that specifies “company owns devices which have temperature measurements” and another that specifies “company operates devices which have temperature measurements”.  Since both are possible it is impossible for an off the shelf client application to quickly discover the paths from root to every measurement for a large full mesh information model.  On the other hand, if the client can assume a known hierarchy say “company owns devices which have temperature measurements”, then the client can perform a very limited number of queries to discover all the paths to all measurements.  In this very simple example, a client need only query twice once configured with the company name.  In the case of the CIM, agreement on the inclusion of only a limited set of associations that can be traversed can dramatically improve the user wait time for a client discovering measurements in a large namespace.

Another example of the use of the TC57Namespaces consists of the possibility to completely automate SCADA data client subscription from a TC57Namepace compliant SCADA server if the client application can import the complete model from a power system model provider such as an EMS. In this case, a client has the capability to automatically build the paths to all the measurements in SCADA Server. The server side of this use case has been tested during the EPRI sponsored CIM/GID Interoperability testing.

An additional benefit of providing customer data in a standard namespace is that off the shelf components can be created independently of individual customers requirements. Such standardization is necessary if one hopes to foster a market for off the shelf applications.

The Generic Interfaces

Rather than inventing new interfaces, the IEC chose to leverage OPC - a set of widely deployed de facto standard interfaces frequently used in the process control industry and supported by close to 1000 vendors. Three out of four of the IEC interfaces incorporate the equivalent the OPC interface. However, since the OPC interfaces were originally based on Microsoft specific technology, the IEC also decided to leverage cross platform versions of the OPC interfaces standardized in the Object Management Group (OMG). The OMG is a software standards consortium consisting of all major software vendors. The OPC versions of the IEC interfaces are used when deploying COM, .Net or Web Services based interface technology so that the hundreds of OPC clients available off the shelf from many vendors are GID compliant today. On the other hand, the OMG version of the GID is use to define the CORBA, Java, or C Language interfaces[15]. The diagram below illustrates the lineage between the WG 13, OMG, and OPC interfaces.

Figure 26 Interface Lineage


While for the sake of convenience, this document will use the IEC names when discussing the Microsoft and non-Microsoft varieties of the interfaces, it should be noted that both the OMG and OPC variants of the interfaces are GID compliant[16].

High Speed Data Access

The High Speed Data Access (HSDA) interface was designed to handle the unique requirements of exchanging high throughput data. For example, a larger SCADA system might need exchange measurements at a rate exceeding 5,000 points per second. For these high performance situations, it is necessary to deploy an interface optimized for throughput. The tradeoff for achieving higher throughput is that HSDA is a small amount more time consuming to configure. HSDA supports the TC57 namespaces so that power system engineers can access measurement data in a user friendly way. The diagram below illustrates how HSDA might be deployed.


Figure 27 Example Of The Use Of The High Speed Data Access Interface


Time Series Data Access

The Time Series Data Access (TSDA) interface is designed for the exchange of arrays of data where each array contains the values of a single data point over time. The mechanics of efficiently passing these arrays requires a separate interface. TSDA supports the TC57 namespaces so that power system engineers can access time series data in a user friendly way.


Figure 28 Example Of The Use Of The Time Series Data Access Interface

Generic Data Access

The Generic Data Access (GDA) interface specification is the one standard interface that was not created from a previously existing OPC specification. GDA provides Read/Write access to data typically in a database. It is similar in functionality to ODBC but is platform and schema neutral. The GDA more effectively leverages the work of NERC’s Security Coordinator’s Model Exchange Format (CIM XML). Using the GDA, a user accesses the data via the CIM terminology of classes, attributes, and relationships. Unlike ODBC, the GDA interface is independent of how data may be physically stored in the database. As a result, it is an ideal way for vendors to expose their data in a CIM compliant way that is database schema neutral so to enable the construction of a data warehouses as shown below:

Figure 29 CIM/GID Based Data Warehouse


GDA includes the ability to notify clients when data has been updated in the server. This functionality provides an important piece of the puzzle when constructing an infrastructure that enables a single point of update for model changes.

Generic Eventing and Subscription

The Generic Eventing and Subscription (GES) interface specification is designed to be the primary mechanism for application integration. The GES provides an interface by which applications can publish and subscribe to CIM data. As a publish/subscribe oriented interface it supplies an ideal vendor-neutral interface for a generic application integration product such as those from the major IT vendors.

In addition to just providing a way for applications to publish or subscribe to data, the GES interface takes maximum advantage of CIM as presented in a TC57 Namespace. That is, GES provides a power system oriented mechanism for data subscription configuration that power system engineers can use. The diagram below illustrates a sample TC57PhysicalNamespace. The namespace would typically be displayed in a subscription configuration graphical user interface (GUI). By displaying a view of the power system model in a message subscription configuration GUI, the user can set up subscriptions without having to know the often complex subscription configuration script syntax used by the generic application integration tool. Off the shelf generic integration tools know nothing about power system models. By providing a power system specific user-friendly layer on top of the generic application integration tool, power system engineers can do things such as subscribe to a daily report without requiring the assistance of an information technology professional.

Figure 30 TC57Namespace Used As A Subscription Topic Tree


Using the example namespace above, the user could subscribe to data related to a company, to just a particular substation, or just a set of devices in a substation – potentially all done via a user friendly GUI.

Besides providing a context for subscribing to messages, the CIM provides a data dictionary for GES messages. In fact, WG 14 has defined a set of message definitions for common utility operational business processes. The figure below illustrates the process of defining messages from the CIM.


Figure 31 Model Driven Message Definition


Energy Market Energy Market Technologies

This section describes issues related to energy market Energy Market related technologies: how they are used in industry and how they fit into the IntelliGrid Architecture.  As with previous sections, this section does not exhaustively discuss all energy market Energy Market related technologies.  Instead it highlights several of the more important issues related to technologies that can be applied to an energy market and several technologies that provide the flexibility and strength to satisfy important utility requirements.  As in the previous sections, we are guided by the high level requirements of information discovery and flexibility.

Since the first attempts at an Energy Market in the late 90’s, utilities have deployed a number of pilot and tactical solutions.  While most of these projects made significant contribution to documenting business processes, from a technological perspective, most if not all of these solutions were not considered ideal.  This is not surprising as Energy Market technology in general not considered mature or enjoys widespread support by users and vendors. 

For the retail market, the limitations are clear.  Many utility retail customers are not familiar with using the Internet for paying bills or interaction with customer service.  While it is likely that in the future, Energy Market will become more widely used for retail transactions, it is not expected that retail energy transaction will be adopted at a greater pace.  Furthermore, the technologies used for generic retail will likely dominate utility retail transactions if only to minimize the cost of installing a utility retail Energy Market infrastructure.

While significant cost reduction will be derived from market wide data exchange standards that specify message format and flow, the fact that markets differ means that data exchange standards alone cannot optimally reduced costs.  It is only the combination of market specific data exchange standards combined with common information models and technologies that can provide the preconditions required for the creation “off the shelf” software.  The approach maximally meets the needs of utilities and establishes a methodology and architecture for standard market design.

Utilities may be more successful in determining the pace at which the wholesale Energy Market progresses.  In the wholesale market, utilities can have a significant impact on forcing convergence on a particular set of technologies.  This in turn will allow vendors to deliver product that does not need to be developed for a particular market but instead is customizable via configuration.  The use of software that is more “off the shelf” should greatly improve the return on investment and greatly reduce the risk associated with these complex Energy Market projects. 

eTagging and ebXML

In July 1997, North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) implemented a process of electronically documenting an energy transaction via the Internet. The process is formally called the Transaction Information System (TIS) but is more commonly referred to as Electronic Tagging (E-Tag). A tag is an electronic documentation of an energy transaction that requires coordination of and approval from all operating entities involved - origin, intermediate, and destination. The transaction is described within the tag as an "energy schedule" to be transferred over a prescribed path for a specific duration and time frame. Tags are transmitted via a computer-to-computer, point-to-point method over the Internet in order that Transmission Line Loading Relief (TLR) can be more readily managed. The information contained in the tag is generally considered to be confidential, particularly in the hourly market. Tagging is not scheduling. Tagging is the communication of information necessary to perform security evaluations and of a desire to schedule.

In 2002, ERCOT replace a manual file transfer based solution with an electronic messaging based system based on ebXML. 

Similarly to eTagging, the ERCOT solution is based on fixed messaging and fixed business processes.  While both these solutions met the tactical goals of the projects, there applicability to a generic solution that can be applied to a variety of underlying transport technologies is limited. However, if we accept the above analysis, the question then becomes does eTagging or ebXML support all the essential ingredients for flexible interoperability.  One could conclude that traditional fixed Energy Market technologies such as eTagging lack an infrastructure for data semantics and thus a way to configure them.  The following paragraphs describe ebXML’s support for the discovery of the meaning of data as well as its architecture to support limited semantic discovery and exchange.

The difference between the approach taken by ebXML and something like WG 13’s approach can be described as a document-based approach versus a knowledge-based approach.   A document-based approach is fundamentally based on the concept that interaction between components can largely be standardized via the agreement on the definition of a set of freestanding documents.  For example, if I want to connect an energy trader system with an ISO/RTO for the purpose of exchanging schedules, then I define a set of documents that describe a schedule.  The key here is that I am not defining a knowledge system; I am describing an actual exchange.  It should be noted that it may be possible to abstract away some of the specifics of particular exchanges and come up with a set of base documents that get reused.   In fact this is what ebXML does.  That is, ebXML allows a designer to specify a set of document for exchange that can be based on a set of reusable document fragments. 

The registry of ebXML supports the definition and exchange of these documents and document fragments, but does not support the notion of a unified information model.  This knowledge-based approach assumes that document definitions are somewhat unknowable at design time and instead is based on an approach whereby components can more dynamically create documents definitions.  In this case, a document is just one possible view of the combined and unified knowledge base.  

To provide a TC 57 example, WG 10  - 12 is only defining a minimal set of predefined message exchange patterns.  However, a high degree of interoperability is expected only in the presence of a shared service and data models.  Similarly, WG 13’s approach assumes that is easier to agree on what a breaker is for example as opposed to trying to agree on what information about a breaker is exchange by two components during an generalized exchange.  Put another way, WG 13’s approach assumes that it is easier to agree on a more application neutral information model as opposed to a business process. To provide a more relevant example, it may be impossible for WG 16 to prescribe the definition of a schedule exchange (including what documents are passed back and forth) for all European markets but it might be possible to describe what schedule is and becomes especially useful if one relates a schedule to other utility data in a unified model that includes the transmission system, generators, and loads.

The advantage of this approach is that the infrastructure is able to handle a greater number of exchange particularities.  For example, different trading markets will have different business processes associated with them.   Each business process may package information very differently.  An information model that is constructed independently of any one market can be used to avoid disagreements based on parochial points of view. The ebXML registry is not designed to maintain a unified information model that is independent to any one exchange.  The ebXML registry only contains process and document definitions.  It is very difficult to create a document or set of documents that can capture the complexity of an information model such as the CIM.  One needs a more powerful architecture and ebXML cannot easily provide support for this. 


Recently, a group of RTO’s and ISO’s formed a working group called the ISO/RTO Standards Collaborative and also includes people from suppliers of energy market transaction servers.  The first phase of their work has included the development of a draft set of CIM extensions, CIM Market Extensions (CME), for internal ISO/RTO data exchange related to Security Constrained Unit Commitment.  Data modeling associated with Locational Marginal Pricing and Economic Dispatch is also included.  The significance of this work is that it facilitates seamless integration of an energy market transaction service with operational systems when messages between the two are based on CME.  


There are two important limitations of ebXML: Limitations of its technical approach and limitations of its market acceptance.  With regard to the technical approach, we need to step back somewhat and examine the essential ingredients for more complete interoperability.  This analysis is based on experience gained in standardization efforts that have occurred in IEC TC 57 WG 10 – 12, 13, and 14 over approximately the last six or seven years.

Lastly, it is expected that ebXML faces significant if not overwhelming competition in the market place.  Many analysts have suggested that the WS-I has a stronger market position because all the major software vendors back it. While ebXML has some vendor support and is more mature in several specific technologies, the architectural assumptions of ebXML are more restricted in the case of a semantic infrastructure.  For many important standards such as business process modeling, security, reliable messaging, registry interface, ebXML technology competes head on with standards being promoted by WS-I.

In light of the above discussion, it is suggested that ebXML only be used as one of the possible technology profiles adopted by WG 16.  While ebXML, because of its slightly more mature technology stack, could be a better choice for a project in the short term, it is not clear if ebXML will evolve to support a knowledge-based architecture and in which direction the market is heading. 


IntelliGrid Architecture
Copyright EPRI 2004