Building the IntelliGrid Architecture
In daily use, the term ‘architecture’ refers to the
overall plan, style, and vision for a structure. It also refers to the general
study of the principles of building. It is vital that any network architecture
be based on the requirements for the use of the final structure, in the same
way that the architecture of a building must be tailored to the needs of its
inhabitants and the environment in which it is located.
Following this definition, IntelliGrid Architecture is both a plan for the
integrated power system infrastructure and a study of the requirements and
principles required to make particular automation projects work. In basic
terms, the IntelliGrid Architecture is a set of components and the rules to
interconnect individual components. IntelliGrid Architecture endeavors to define reusable architectural
components and a common set of interfaces, or ‘languages’ that can be used to
execute energy enterprise and industry-wide applications. To meet future use
requirements, IntelliGrid Architecture is based on the specific needs of the power industry in the
same way a building’s architecture is tailored to the needs of its owners.
To develop IntelliGrid Architecture, a diverse team of industry experts was
assembled with representation from utilities, vendors, consultants,
researchers, and project managers. This team followed established steps of
‘good system architecture design’, specifically:
Gathering requirements from stakeholders across the industry.
Analyzing the requirements using modern methodologies and tools.
Evaluating the state-of-the-art in communications technology.
Designing the architecture by identifying common components and
Capturing the architecture design and recommendations using web
Three key steps of system architecture design remain to be
Testing the principles of the architecture in prototypes and
pilot projects.
Implementation and validation of the design in real-world,
large-scale systems.
Integration of the lessons learned into further iterations of the
The Integrated Energy and Communication System
Architecture – IntelliGrid Architecture – is a first step in enabling this vision. As the title
suggests, IntelliGrid Architecture is intended to integrate two different systems: the physical
energy delivery system, and the communications network of intelligent equipment
that controls it.
As we look to the future of the power system, it will rely
increasingly on this second infrastructure of information exchange. It must be
developed in parallel to the power system infrastructure to effectively move
the industry toward its identified and future goals. This second infrastructure
will be comprised of advanced communications and networking technologies
working with intelligent equipment and algorithms that can execute increasingly
sophisticated operations functions.
As long as the two networks are dealt with separately by
utilities and other power system organizations, the power industry will be
plagued with ‘islands of integration’, in which the vision is realized only in
selected areas and not on a scale large enough to ensure future visions of
system operation.
Gathering Requirements – Past, Present and Future
When developing IntelliGrid Architecture, it was vital that the
architecture be based on a clear understanding of the needs of the power system
network in five or ten years, not only based on today’s requirements. If future
needs are not considered, the resulting architecture would be obsolete by the
time it was actually built. To this end, part of the requirements process
involved interaction with more than 1,000 individuals during more than 100
The information gathered during these engagements
was captured in a ‘template’ format that formalized the type of information
required from each stakeholder. The ideal goal would have been to capture both current
and future communication system requirements from representatives in all
functions and applications performed in the utility industry. This level of
requirements gathering was, however, an enormous job and it was beyond the
resources of the project to complete in time for the results to be useful.
Instead, the requirements gathering process did
cover existing requirements lightly, but focused on the three primary growth
areas that were determined by IntelliGrid Architecture team to most likely pose architectural
challenges for the information infrastructure. These growth areas included:
Wide Area Measurement and Control – in particular, those
requirements for developing a self-healing, self-optimizing grid that can
predict emergencies, rather than just react to them, and that automates many
reliability functions currently performed manually, or not at all
Advanced Distribution Automation – including the challenges
raised by using Distributed Energy Resources, renewable energy sources, fault
detection, fault location, sectionalization and
automatic service restoration over large service territories and multiple
organizational boundaries
Customer Interface – including the challenges of real-time
pricing, demand response, automatic metering, integrating the communications
network with building automation, and the requirements for integrating
real-time data gathered from the power network with business policies to enable
secure trading in a deregulated environment
Analyzing Areas of Concern
After the requirement gathering process was
complete, common themes quickly became apparent as IntelliGrid Architecture program team
analyzed stakeholder requirements. It was clear that the architecture must
provide common strategies in several areas that underlie nearly all
requirements information gathered. The common themes uncovered during the
information gathering process include:
Basic Networking and Connectivity Infrastructure. In particular,
how will the myriads of device and communications technologies connect? In
general, IP-based networks presented an obvious solution to the project team
because of their widespread use in general computing. However, utility
requirements for reliability, wireless access, changing configurations, and
quality of service dictate special guidelines for using IP, and for using other
technologies in particular environments.
Security and Access Control. Deregulation and other effects of
the Digital Society are forcing utilities to rely on public networks provided
by third parties, to communicate with competitors, cross organizational
boundaries, and to expand their communication networks (both inward to their
own organizations and outward to the customer). These requirements make the
need for cyber-security ubiquitous in power system operations. Encryption and
authentication technologies abound, but the focus of IntelliGrid Architecture security
strategy is to tailor security solutions to particular problem domains, and
link them together with shared security management services.
Data Management. The sheer volume and variety of data required to
operate a power system within the Digital Society poses a staggering challenge
when standardizing interfaces for reading, writing, publishing, and subscribing
to data. In this area, the key strategy will be to identify standardized common
object models that can serve as building blocks for common services and
Network and System (Enterprise) Management. For an area that is
relatively mature in commercial networks, the science of monitoring and
controlling the communications network is surprisingly primitive, or even
unknown, in power system automation. The key here will be to harmonize network
monitoring technologies and network object models with the functional
equivalents in the power industry and then integrating both with security
The analysis was also guided by the following
engineering principles:
Business Needs of the power system industry, as captured in the
power system operations functions, and categorized into IntelliGrid Architecture Environments
Strategic Vision based on high level concepts of distributed
Tactical Approach based on technology independent techniques of
common services, information models, and generic interfaces.
Standard Technologies and Best Practices that could be used in
the power industry
Methodology for automation architects, power system planners,
project engineers, information specialists, and other IntelliGrid Architecture users to zone in on
the exact parts of the IntelliGrid Architecture that is directly relevant to them,
and to quickly access IntelliGrid Architecture recommendations.
IntelliGrid Architecture
generalizes and extracts the architecturally significant requirements by
cross-cutting energy industry requirements involving distributed information,
and provides a technology-independent architecture for project engineers to use
as they determine solutions for specific implementations.
Evaluating the State-of-the-Art
Equipped with requirements gathered from the industry
and general strategies for approaching key problem areas, IntelliGrid Architecture team next
considered which communications technologies and best practices it could use to
build the architecture. For the purposes of developing the architecture, the
term ‘technology’ had a very wide definition and could include a protocol, a
database format, an object model, or a policy, among other things. Toward this
purpose, the team ‘cast its net’ as widely as possible. It evaluated
technologies from:
Multiple organizations. The team was committed to the
creation of open systems, and preferred to use international standards whenever
possible. However, some of the best technologies available have been
created by government bodies, industry consortia, and even private
organizations. Technologies from all of these bodies were
Multiple applications. It was likely that technologies
developed for one part of the power industry would be useful in other
parts. Therefore the team considered technologies from protection,
control, monitoring, metering, consumer access, and all other parts of the
power industry equally.
Multiple industries. For the architecture to be truly integrated,
it needed to incorporate the best innovations not just from the power industry,
but also from desktop computing, telephony, industrial automation, other
utilities, business-to-business and of course the Internet community, among
other industries. These technologies were considered key to bringing the
power industry into the digital society.
Multiple disciplines. Not just ‘hard’ technologies, but
also best practices and procedural improvements were considered, where they
related to communications. This was vital in areas such as security management,
which depend as much on the human factor as on electronics or software.
The team actually analyzed technologies twice:
once prior to designing the architecture, to determine what
‘building blocks’ were available, and again after designing the
architecture, to determine the list of technologies and best practices that the
team would recommend for use in the design. In both cases, technologies
were grouped into the four ‘problem areas’ discussed earlier: basic networking,
security, data management, and enterprise management. Data management and
basic networking were subsequently reorganized into utility-specific and
non-utility technologies for ease of reference.
Each technology was evaluated for its strengths and
weaknesses. The team captured these in a brief paragraph for each
technology, including web references where IntelliGrid Architecture users could find more
information, and keywords for searching for particular technologies.
The team quickly realized that unlike some previous
attempts to ‘unify’ utility communications, IntelliGrid Architecture could not recommend a single
set of technologies for use everywhere in the industry. Therefore, the
team developed the concept of IntelliGrid Architecture environments. Based on
the stakeholder input, they identified over twenty different logical areas having
common communications requirements, and made technology recommendations in each
of these ‘environments’. The team captured these technology
recommendations in text and as a system of interlinked
web pages.
4. Designing the
The design step brought together all that had come
before: requirements gathering, strategy, and technology analysis. The
resulting architecture is based on the following principles:
Using the science data modeling to capture and analyze
requirements in ‘use cases’.
Using layered technologies to separate levels of abstraction and
Creating common information models and identifying common
services and generic interfaces to create a technology-independent representation
of the architecture.
Making use of self-description (plug-and-play) and ‘meta-data’
(descriptive information about data) to reduce configuration effort and
error, and to facilitate automatic translation between technologies.
Defining a number of utility-specific environments having common
sets of requirements, as discussed in the previous section
Identifying missing or overlapping technologies as
a tool for making technology recommendations in each of the identified
IntelliGrid Architecture’s technology-independence can be summarized
in Figure 2. It consists of a
‘backbone’ of common information models and services primarily based around the
IEC 61850, IEC 61968 and IEC 61970 standards.
The common ‘nouns’ and ‘verbs’ of these exchange
models are translated into a variety of different technologies for
communicating in different environments. As discussed earlier, IntelliGrid Architecture provides a
tailored list of recommended technologies for each of the ‘use case steps’ and
‘environments’ that were identified through the requirements gathering and
analysis processes.
It is important to note that IntelliGrid Architecture ‘backbone’
is a logical structure, not a physical one. Translation from one
technology to another may take place at many different places in the
network. The translation function itself may be implemented on a
variety of devices and using a variety of technologies.
However, the core concept of
IntelliGrid Architecture is that all devices within the network will eventually be able to
communicate with each other. The common information models and services
make it possible to easily and economically convey information without loss of
fidelity across ownership and functional boundaries. Basing these
information models and translators on self-description permits the network to
quickly adapt to new technologies, applications, and devices.

Figure 2:The Technology Independent IntelliGrid Architecture
The IntelliGrid Architecture backbone
consists of common information models, services, and interfaces that provide
technology independence so the network can continue to grow and evolve.
5 .
Capturing the results
IntelliGrid Architecture is delivered in four volumes and a system of
several hundred web pages. The deliverable components of IntelliGrid Architecture answer the
following questions:
The Value Story – What are the drivers/benefits of an IntelliGrid Architecture? What
is the economic justification?
Requirements identification – What types of data must be
exchanged in an integrated power system? What functions must be performed? What
knowledge will be needed in the 5 to 10 year horizon to build the supporting
infrastructure now?
Analysis of the requirements – What requirements do the messages
exchanged within the power system have in common? Which requirements can be met
by similar technologies? Which functions should be performed centrally and
which should be distributed through the system?
Identification of future needs – Not all the requirements that
were identified can be implemented today. What technical areas need to be
developed now in order to facilitate the integration of the power system in the
Terminology and Tools – What tools exist for identifying, capturing and manipulating requirements? What language can
we use to describe the power system of the future clearly enough to ensure
Recommendations – What practices need to be adopted universally
in order to make an integrated power system a reality? What specific
technologies should organizations use in their networks? What steps do
standards organizations, governments, and consortia need to take?
Model of future operations – How can we simulate the power system
accurately enough to predict future needs? How can we describe new power
system applications in a way that identifies their communications needs?
IntelliGrid Architecture provides industry-standard diagrams that graphically show the interactions
among the various ‘actors’ and ‘data items’ in the functional areas explored.
These concepts are described in much greater detail
within the body of Volumes I and IV. The organizational structure of the
volumes is shown in the following table:
1: IntelliGrid Architecture volume organizational structure.
Intended Reader
IntelliGrid Architecture User
Guidelines and Recommendations
§ The executive summary
§ The IntelliGrid Architecture value story
§ How to use and apply IntelliGrid Architecture
§ Basic terminology
§ Detailed summary of the
development process
§ Summary of strategies,
conclusions, and recommendations
§ Executives
§ Managers
§ System architects
§ Regulators
§ Advisors who must decide
how to use IntelliGrid Architecture
IntelliGrid Architecture
§ A detailed description of
the requirements gathering process and tools used
§ Examples of particular
‘use cases’ capturing utility requirements
§ Guide to the on-line
website that express these requirements graphically
§ Power system planners who
must find new concepts and trends in automation
§ Project engineers who must
find solutions for particular problems.
IntelliGrid Architecture Model of
the Architecture
§ A guide to the Universal
Modeling Language (UML) database that captures the requirements and analysis
of power system operations
§ Vendors, IT specialists,
Chief Information Officers who can use a model of power system operations to
identify and build new solutions
IntelliGrid Architecture Technical
§ A more technical guide to
the development and results of the architecture
§ System architects, power
system engineers, and those interested in further analysis of the results
The first volume contains IntelliGrid Architecture team’s recommendations
for the future. These recommendations are divided into several categories:
Encouraging power system organizations to design networks using an
architecture approach
Contributing to standards development organizations and consortia
Sponsoring pilot projects and field trials
Developing engineering tools and notation methods
Integrating IntelliGrid Architecture with other architectures
Encouraging the adoption of IntelliGrid Architecture concepts and recommendations
Initiating work to continue systems analysis of the utility industry in
more detail
There are too many recommendations to capture in this
project summary, but common themes can be identified as follows:
Harmonize the existing common services, information models, and
interfaces, as well as create new standards where they are needed, so the
power industry speaks a common communications language of ‘nouns’ and ‘verbs’
that can be translated into different technologies. This is a key requirement
for the higher levels of system integration now emerging across the energy
Integrate security, systems, network management, and technical
development (i.e. new technologies), which have too often been considered
separate tasks.
Unify technologies between power system automation networks,
corporate networks, and inter-business networks, again by linking them to
common information models, services, and interfaces.
Remember that developing an industry-level architecture is a
process – not an end point. Requirements and enabling technologies are
constantly changing. Although the guiding principles should remain constant,
individual solutions will change over time.
The five steps discussed in this summary have captured an
initial set of the power system’s operational requirements and the proposed
design for IntelliGrid Architecture. However, three key steps of system architecture design remain
to be executed:
Testing the principles of the architecture in prototypes and
pilot projects.
Implementing and validating the design in real-world, large-scale
Feeding back the lessons learned back into another iteration of
the process.
Designing IntelliGrid Architecture is just a start. IntelliGrid Architecture must now be built,
proven, and continuously improved upon so that the vision of a power system
integrated with its communication system can be realized.