OASIS (Open Access Same-Time
Information System) was mandated by FERC, and specifies the methods and
information that must be exchanged between Market Participants and Market
Operators for market transactions in the
wholesale electric industry, including provisions for both a physical and
financial rights market.
OASIS Phase I was developed under the aegis of NERC
(the “How Group”), and is basically implemented as a Web Server that accepts
the strictly defined OASIS templates as the mechanism to exchange the required
data. Although this has worked well, it is very limited in its capabilities.
Therefore, NAESB’s OSC group has started the development of OASIS Phase II.
OASIS II is specifically meant to refer to a set of
common, standardized business functionality and associated supporting
electronic communication interfaces implemented between cooperating entities
(e.g., market participants, market operators, etc.), and is not meant to
correspond to any one or group of specific systems that implement that
interface. The primary scope of OASIS II is to define the functionality of
these systems and the communications standards to exchange data among these
systems and the users of these systems.
The OASIS II Use Cases, which will describe all in-scope business processes, business objects, and their associated
The OASIS II Requirements, which will support the Use Cases by detailing
specific requirements and metrics
The OASIS II Structural Design, which will describe the technical
architecture and how functionality will be staged for deployment
The OASIS II Implementation Plan, which will indicate the order and
timeline of how the stages will be specified, developed, and deployed
The OASIS II Standards and Communications Protocols, which will describe
the data exchanges between the various OASIS systems and their associated
business logic, and
The OASIS II Business Practices Standards, which will indicate
North-American standards to be considered when utilizing the OASIS Phase II
Market operations, Market Participants, NERC, NAESB