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IEC 61970 Part 4 - Generic Interface Definition (GID)


The Generic Interface Definition (GID) is part of IEC61970 and comprises Part 4

·       61970-4 Component Interfaces - The purpose of the Part 4 CIS documents is to specify the interfaces that a component shall use to facilitate integration with other independently developed components. Although typical applications and functions are identified in Annex B to assist in defining the types of information that must be transferred, the purpose is not to attempt to define components per se. The component vendors should be free to package different collections of component interfaces into component packages while still remaining compliant with the EMSAPI standards.

·       401 - Part 401 provides a framework for the specification of the Level 1 Functional Requirements documents. It explains the separation of these specifications into two major groups. One group of standards defines the generic services that a component can use for exchanging information with another component or for accessing public data. The other group defines the information content of messages that a component or system exchanges with other components. Part 401 provides an overview of the generic services defined for the CIS standards. These specifications describe in narrative terms with text, Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation, and Interface Definition Language (IDL), the interface functionality that is standardized. These specifications define the generic services that can be used by any application to exchange information with another application or for public data access. It also provides a roadmap to explain the contents of each of the specifications in this series and the underlying industry de facto standards that are incorporated.

·       402 - These base services incorporate the following industry de facto standards. 402 Includes IECTC57 Namespace - a mechanism by which the CIM is presented via TC 57 API’s. That is, it is essentially an agreement on how to communicate the CIM hierarchies via an OPC/DAIS API.

·       403 - Generic Data Access. This part contains the API services that are needed to access public data based on the CIM organization of information. In other words, a client can access data maintained by another component (either an application or database) or system without any knowledge of the logical schema used for internal storage of the data. Knowledge of the CIM is sufficient. This request and reply-oriented service is intended for synchronous, non-real time access of complex data structures as opposed to high-speed data access of SCADA data, for example, which is provided by Part 404, High Speed Data Access. An example where Request and Reply would be used is for bulk data access of a persistent store to initialize a State Estimator application with the current state of a transmission network, and then storage of the results with notification.

·       404 - High Speed Data Access. This part contains the API services needed for high-speed access of simple data structures, where multiple instances are typically accessed as a data group and need to be efficiently mapped to variables in the client memory space. Typically data groups will be predefined and then published at either periodic intervals or upon change, although it is also possible to use this API with a request and reply data exchange pattern for these same data groups.

·       405 - Generic Eventing and Subscription. This part contains the API services needed for a general-purpose capability to publish and subscribe to events and alarms. This includes the ability to publish and subscribe to topics. It also supports the event “send and forget” data exchange pattern, where events are simply published once, with no knowledge on the part of the server of the intended recipients. An example application is for alarms, where the server capability to publish alarm events and the client capability to subscribe to selected alarms is needed.

·       407 - Time Series Data Access. . This part contains the API services needed for access time series data. This includes the ability for request/reply as well as publish/subscribe oriented exchanges.





OPC is a foundation dedicated to open connectivity in industrial automation and the enterprise systems that support industry. To this aim, OPC has created a series of open standards specifications with the goal of assuring interoperability. Based on fundamental standards and technology of the general computing market, the OPC Foundation adapts and creates specifications that fill industry-specific needs. OPC will continue to create new standards as needs arise and to adapt existing standards to utilize new technology. There are currently seven standards specifications completed or in development, of which the following four are the most important to the power industry.

IntelliGrid Architecture
Copyright EPRI 2004