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Digital Time Division Command/Response Multiplex Date Bus, MIL-STD-1553


“MIL-STD-1553 is a military standard that defines the electrical and protocol characteristics for a data bus. A data bus is used to provide a medium for the exchange of data and information between various systems. It is similar to what the personal computer and office automation industry has dubbed a Local Area Network (LAN).”

MIL-STD-1553 is master / slave redundant bus protocol for achieving command and control (SCADA) in a military device environment. It provides for deterministic exchange between nodes on the bus of information. Multiple bus masters may exist on the bus and can compete for the right to master the bus at any given time. There is a substantial effort in this standard to support high availability of services and graceful degradation due to failure of bus nodes and segments.

Keywords:            MIL-STD-1553, Time division multiplex, Command/response, LAN, SCADA, Deterministic communications

IntelliGrid Architecture
Copyright EPRI 2004